Tailrank did a nice summary of some of the blogging around our announcement. It's a cools site, where the results look something like this:
CardSpace & OpenID: Working together
kveton.comFound 4 days agoThe OpenID community has been having quite a few discussions about phishing and what we can do to help mitigate that problem. We have come up with a whole list of solutions that work together nicely to help address the problem. …![]()
Microsoft and OpenID – commentary
identity20.comFound 4 days agoHere are other posts on Microsoft and OpenID announcement: Kim Cameron (Microsoft) post Michael Grave (VeriSign) post “this is a significant step toward the convergence needed in the identity space” David Recordon (VeriSign) post “Convergence isn't new for OpenID, rather continues to show how …![]()
Microsoft to Support OpenID Log on System
thomashawk.comFound 4 days agoTime, Walk, Step, Turn Hosted on Zooom r [I am CEO of Zooomr] WIRED Blogs: 27B Stroke 6 : In a keynote speech at the RSA security conference earlier today Bill Gates reportedly announced that Microsoft was going to support OpenID. …![]()
Microsoft Working on OpenID Support
25hoursaday.comFound 4 days agoIt looks like we just announced that we'll be supporting OpenID at the RSA conference. Official details are in the press release Microsoft Outlines Vision to Enable Secure and Easy Anywhere Access for People and Organizations which states To further enable the vision of secure and easy anywhere access, …
blogs.zdnet.comFound 4 days agoWith the Vista launch behind him, Bill Gates and Craig Mundie, Microsoft's chief research and strategy officer and security patron, were on stage the 16th annual RSA Conference in San Francisco before a crowd of about 15,000 security geeks and professionals. …
factoryjoe.comFound 4 days agoYou can read it around the web, but, hot on the heels of the creation of the OpenID Foundation , the news from the RSA Security conference is that Bill Gates has announced Microsoft's intention to support OpenID 2. …
saunderslog.comFound 3 days agoSometimes wishes to come true. It was only a few days ago that I posted a rant about Yahoo's decision to impose Yahoo ID's on Flickr account holders . And I was just one of the many voices in the blogosphere raised against Yahoo's decision. …
hyperthink.netFound 3 days agoThere's lots of buzz in the blogosphere today about the big Cardspace/OpenId collaboration that was announced this morning at RSA. Whodathunk that a technology rooted in the RESTful open source ecosystem could intermingle with a technology built by the WS-* wonks without trigging some bizarre matter/antimatter explosion. …
equalsdrummond.nameFound 4 days agoUser-centric identity infrastructure just took another key step forward today: Janrain, Sxip, Verisign, and Microsoft announced they will all be working together to help OpenID users get the benefits of CardSpace and vice versa. …
blog.wachob.comFound 4 days agoFor those of us who've been helping to promote OpenID, today's announcement that Microsoft will work to get OpenID and Cardspace working well together is absolutely no surprise. Kim Cameron, Mike Jones and the rest of the crew have been saying both very rosy things, as well as giving some well-appreciated constructive criticism. …
vecosys.comFound 3 days agoUnbelievably sleepy old Microsoft (we spend $4bn on R&D but has anyone seen a return) beats dithering Yahoo (should we support it or should we buy OpenID) and arrogant Google (we hate OpenID and Microformats, we only use complicated stuff we invent) to officially announce support for the OpenID movement today at the RSA conference. …
oreillynet.comFound 3 days agoJust when you thought it was safe to make assumptions regarding whether or not MSFT understood the ” Don't Fight The Internet ” rule of doing business on the 2. …
phildawes.netFound 3 days agoMicrosoft, Verisign, Sxip and JanRain have announced that they will all support the OpenID protocol in their upcoming products. Kim Cameron has the scoop (but then he would have, being the ‘Chief Architect of Identity’ at Microsoft). …
benlog.comFound 4 days ago(There's always a dilemma between “publishing soon” and “polishing for peer review.” This is my first attempt at blog-based collaborative peer-review. Let's see how it goes!) The Problem Phishing is a serious issue, and it's only getting worse. …
lagesse.orgFound 3 days agoThis is great news for the OpenID community – having companies like Verisign and Microsoft onboard certainly help the chances of achieving a way to manage your persona on the web! OpenID ( Radar post ) got a big boost today when it gained support from Microsoft . …
kaliyasblogs.netFound 4 days agoThis morning at RSA Bill Gates and Craig Mundie announced MSFT support of OpenID2.0 . ( Johannes has a good summary of the points they made too ) I wouldn't go so far to say that they got Married. But what exactly was announced? …
internet.seekingalpha.comFound 3 days agoThomas Hawk submits: In a keynote speech at the RSA security conference yesterday, Bill Gates reportedly announced that Microsoft was going to support OpenID. OpenID is an open, decentralized identity system that attempts to provide a solution to the multiple log on ID systems to access various sites across the internet. …
chimprawk.blogspot.comFound 3 days agoI'm proud to announce that, as of this morning, we are going to be taking ClaimID in a slightly new direction. We're going to be concentrating our efforts on being an OpenID provider, one that is extremely simple and easy to use. …
blog.broadbandmechanics.comFound 3 days agoSo I haven't had any time to talk to Kim or Dick – but here's my take on this deal between Microsoft and their CardSpace/InfoCards standards efforts and the OpenID community (Sxip, JanRain and Verisign. …