Want to deeply understand how OpenID would make our lives better on social networks? Check out this piece by Dare Obasanjo, a program manager within Windows Live. But be prepared to be jolted. According to Dare, there is indeed a promised land, but we won't be allowed into it.
Dare is responding to Wired's Slap in the Facebook: It's Time for Social Networks to Open Up. He talks about the common-sense economics of identity, then asks why “there seem to be more OpenID providers than there are consumers”, concluding:
Why would Facebook implement a feature that reduced their user growth via network effects? Why would MySpace make it easy for sites to extract user profile information from their service? Because openness is great? Yeah…right.
Openness isn’t why Facebook is currently being valued at $6 Billion…
Dare's explanation of how the big web properties see things is spot on. But are they right?
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