Green Dam and the First Law of Identity

China Daily posted this opinion piece by Chen Weihua that provides context on how the Green Dam proposal could ever have emerged.  I found it striking because it brings to the fore the relationship of the initiative to the First Law of Identity (User Control).  As in so many cases where the Laws are broken, the result is passionate opposition and muddled technology.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's latest regulation to preinstall filtering software on all new computers by July 1 has triggered public concern, anger and protest.

A survey on, the largest news portal in China, showed that an overwhelming 83 percent of the 26,232 people polled said they would not use the software, known as Green Dam. Only 10 percent were in favor.

Despite the official claim that the software was designed to filter pornography and unhealthy content on the Internet, many people, including some computer experts, have disputed its effectiveness and are worried about its possible infringement on privacy, its potential to disrupt the operating system and other software, and the waste of $6.1 million of public fund on the project.

These are all legitimate concerns. But behind the whole story, one pivotal question to be raised is whether we believe people should have the right to make their own choice on such an issue, or the authorities, or someone else, should have the power to make such a decision.

Compared with 30 years ago, the country has achieved a lot in individual freedom by giving people the right to make their own decisions regarding their personal lives.

Under the planned economy three decades ago, the government decided the prices of all goods. Today, the market decides 99 percent of the prices based on supply and demand.

Three decades ago, the government even decided what sort of shirts and trousers were proper for its people. Flared trousers, for example, were banned. Today, our streets look like a colorful stage.

Till six years ago, people still needed an approval letter from their employers to get married or divorced. However bizarre it may sound to the people today, the policy had ruled the nation for decades.

The divorce process then could be absurdly long. Representatives from trade union, women's federation and neighborhood committee would all come and try to convince you that divorce is a bad idea – bad for the couple, bad for their children and bad for society.

It could be years or even decades before the divorce was finally approved. Today, it only takes 15 minutes for a couple to go through the formalities to tie or untie the knot at local civil affair bureaus.

Less than three decades ago, the rigid hukou (permanent residence permit) system didn't allow people to work in another city. Even husbands and wives with hukou in different cities had to work and live in separate places. Today, over 200 million migrant workers are on the move, although hukou is still a constraint.

Less than 20 years ago, doctors were mandated to report women who had abortions to their employers. Today, they respect a woman's choice and privacy.

No doubt we have witnessed a sea of change, with more and more people making their own social and economic decisions .

The government, though still wielding huge decision-making power, has also started to consult people on some decisions by hosting public hearings, such as the recent one on tap water pricing in Shanghai.

But clearly, some government department and officials are still used to the old practice of deciding for the people without seeking their consent.

In the Green Dam case, buyers, mostly adults, should be given the complete freedom to decide whether they want the filtering software to be installed in their computers or not.

Respect for an individual's right to choice is an important indicator of a free society, depriving them of which is gross transgression.

Let's not allow the Green Dam software to block our way into the future.

The many indications that the technology behind Green Dam weakens the security fabric of China indicates Chen Weihua is right in more ways than one. 

Just for completeness, I should point out that the initiative also breaks the Third Law (Justifiable Parties) if adults have not consciously enabled the software and chosen to have the government participate in their browsing.

Definitions for a Common Identity Framework

The Proposal for a Common Identity Framework begins by explaining the termnology it uses.  This wasn't intended to open up old wounds or provoke ontological debate.  We just wanted to reduce ambiguity about what we actually mean to say in the rest of the paper.  To do this, we did think very carefully about what we were going to call things, and tried to be very precise about our use of terms.

The paper presents its definitions in alphabetical order to faciliate lookup while reading the proposal, but I'll group them differently here to facilitate discussion.

Let's start with the series of definitions pertaining to claims.  It is key to the document that claims are assertions by one subject about another subject that are “in doubt”.  This is a fundamental notion since it leads to an understanding that one of the basic services of a multi-party model must be “Claims Approval”.  The simple assumption by systems that assertions are true – in other words the failure to factor out “approval” as a separate service – has lead to conflation and insularity in earlier systems.

  • Claim:  an assertion made by one subject about itself or another subject that a relying party considers to be “in doubt” until it passes “Claims Approval”
  • Claims Approval: The process of evaluating a set of claims associated with a security presentation to produce claims trusted in a specific environment so it can used for automated decision making and/or mapped to an application specific identifier.
  • Claims Selector:  A software component that gives the user control over the production and release of sets of claims issued by claims providers. 
  • Security Token:  A set of claims.

The concept of claims provider is presented in relation to “registration” of subjects.  Then claims are divided into two broad categories:  primordial and substantive…

  • Registration:  The process through which a primordial claim is associated with a subject so that a claims provider can subsequently issue a set of claims about that subject.
  • Claims Provider:  An individual, organization or service that:
  1. Registers subjects and associates them with primordial claims, with the goal of subsequently exchanging their primordial claims for a set of substantive claims about the subject that can be presented at a relying party; or
  2. Interprets one set of substantive claims and produces a second set (this specialization of a claims provider is called a claims transformer).  A claims set produced by a claims provider is not a primordial claim.
  • Claims Transformer:  A claims provider that produces one set of substantive claims from another set.

To understand this better let's look at what we mean by  “primordial” and “substantive” claims.  The word “primordial” may seem a strange at first, but its use will be seen to be rewardingly precise:  Constituting the beginning or starting point, from which something else is derived or developed, or on which something else depends. (OED) .

As will become clear, the claims-based model works through the use of “Claims Providers”.  In the most basic case, subjects prove to a claims provider that they are an entity it has registered, and then the claims provider makes “substantive” claims about them.  The subject proves that it is the registered entity by using a “primordial” claim – one which is thus the beginning or starting point, and from which the provider's substantive claims are derived.  So our definitions are the following: 

  • Primordial Claim: A proof – based on secret(s) and/or biometrics – that only a single subject is able to present to a specific claims provider for the purpose of being recognized and obtaining a set of substantive claims.
  • Substantive claim:  A claim produced by a claims provider – as opposed to a primordial claim.

Passwords and secret keys are therefore examples of “primordial” claims, whereas SAML tokens and X.509 certificates (with DNs and the like) are examples of substantive claims. 

Some will say, “Why don't you just use the word ‘credential'”?   The answer is simple.  We avoided “credential” precisely because people use it to mean both the primordial claim (e.g. a secret key) and the substantive claim (e.g. a certificate or signed statement).   This conflation makes it unsuitable for expressing the distinction between primordial and substantive, and this distinction is essential to properly factoring the services in the model.

There are a number of definitions pertaining to subjects, persons and identity itself:

  • Identity:  The fact of being what a person or a thing is, and the characteristics determining this.

This definition of identity is quite different from the definition that conflates identity and “identifier” (e.g. being called an identity).  Without clearing up this confusion, nothing can be understood.   Claims are the way of communicating what a person or thing is – different from being that person or thing.  An identifier is one possible claim content.

We also distinguish between a “natural person”, a “person”, and a “persona”, taking into account input from the legal and policy community:

  • Natural person:  A human being…
  • Person:  an entity recognized by the legal system.  In the context of eID, a person who can be digitally identified.
  • Persona:  A character deliberately assumed by a natural person

A “subject” is much broader, including things like services:

  • Subject:  The consumer of a digital service (a digital representation of a natural or juristic person, persona, group, organization, software service or device) described through claims.

And what about user?

  • User:  a natural person who is represented by a subject.

The entities that depend on identity are called relying parties:

  • Relying party:  An individual, organization or service that depends on claims issued by a claims provider about a subject to control access to and personalization of a service.
  • Service:  A digital entity comprising software, hardware and/or communications channels that interacts with subjects.

Concrete services that interact with subjects (e.g. digital entities) are not to be confused with the abstract services that constitute our model:

  • Abstract services:  Architectural components that deliver useful services and can be described through high level goals, structures and behaviors.  In practice, these abstract services are refined into concrete service definitions and instantiations.

Concrete digital services, including both relying parties and claims providers, operate on the behalf of some “person” (in the sense used here of legal persons including organizations).  This implies operations and administration:

  • Administrative authority:  An organization responsible for the management of an administrative domain.
  • Administrative domain:  A boundary for the management of all business and technical aspects related to:
  1. A claims provider;
  2. A relying party; or
  3. A relying party that serves as its own claims provider 

There are several definitions that are necessary to understand how different pieces of the model fit together:

  • ID-data base:  A collection of application specific identifiers used with automatic claims approval
  • Application Specific Identifier (ASID):  An identifier that is used in an application to link a specific subject to data in the application.
  • Security presentation:  A set consisting of elements like knowledge of secrets, possession of security devices or aspects of administration which are associated with automated claims approval.  These elements derive from technical policy and legal contracts of a chain of administrative domains.
  • Technical Policy:  A set of technical parameters constraining the behavior of a digital service and limited to the present tense.

And finally, there is the definition of what we mean by user-centric.  Several colleagues have pointed out that the word “user-centric” has been used recently to justify all kinds of schemes that usurp the autonomy of the user.  So we want to be very precise about what we mean in this paper:

  • User-centric:  Structured so as to allow users to conceptualize, enumerate and control their relationships with other parties, including the flow of information.

Proposal for a Common Identity Framework

Today I am posting a new paper called, Proposal for a Common Identity Framework: A User-Centric Identity Metasystem.

Good news: it doesn’t propose a new protocol!

Instead, it attempts to crisply articulate the requirements in creating a privacy-protecting identity layer for the Internet, and sets out a formal model for such a layer, defined through the set of services the layer must provide.

The paper is the outcome of a year-long collaboration between Dr. Kai Rannenberg, Dr. Reinhard Posch and myself. We were introduced by Dr. Jacques Bus, Head of Unit Trust and Security in ICT Research at the European Commission.

Each of us brought our different cultures, concerns, backgrounds and experiences to the project and we occasionally struggled to understand how our different slices of reality fit together. But it was in those very areas that we ended up with some of the most interesting results.

Kai holds the T-Mobile Chair for Mobile Business and Multilateral Security at Goethe University Frankfurt. He coordinates the EU research projects FIDIS  (Future of Identity in the Information Society), a multidisciplinary endeavor of 24 leading institutions from research, government, and industry, and PICOS (Privacy and Identity Management for Community Services).  He also is Convener of the ISO/IEC Identity Management and Privacy Technology working group (JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5)  and Chair of the IFIP Technical Committee 11 “Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems”.

Reinhard taught Information Technology at Graz University beginning in the mid 1970’s, and was Scientific Director of the Austrian Secure Information Technology Center starting in 1999. He has been federal CIO for the Austrian government since 2001, and was elected chair of the management board of ENISA (The European Network and Information Security Agency) in 2007. 

I invite you to look at our paper.  It aims at combining the ideas set out in the Laws of Identity and related papers, extended discussions and blog posts from the open identity community, the formal principles of Information Protection that have evolved in Europe, research on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), outputs from key working groups and academic conferences, and deep experience with EU government digital identity initiatives.

Our work is included in The Future of Identity in the Information Society – a report on research carried out in a number of different EU states on topics like the identification of citizens, ID cards, and Virtual Identities, with an accent on privacy, mobility, interoperability, profiling, forensics, and identity related crime.

I’ll be taking up the ideas in our paper in a number of blog posts going forward. My hope is that readers will find the model useful in advancing the way they think about the architecture of their identity systems.  I’ll be extremely interested in feedback, as will Reinhard and Kai, who I hope will feel free to join into the conversation as voices independent from my own.

Kim Cameron: secret RIAA agent?

Dave Kearns cuts me to the polemical quick by tarring me with the smelly brush of the RIAA:

‘Kim has an interesting post today, referencing an article (“What Does Your Credit-Card Company Know About You?” by Charles Duhigg in last week’s New York Times.

‘Kim correctly points out the major fallacies in the thinking of J. P. Martin, a “math-loving executive at Canadian Tire”, who, in 2002, decided to analyze the information his company had collected from credit-card transactions the previous year. For example, Martin notes that “2,220 of 100,000 cardholders who used their credit cards in drinking places missed four payments within the next 12 months.” But that's barely 2% of the total, as Kim points out, and hardly conclusive evidence of anything.

‘I'm right with Cameron for most of his essay, up til the end when he notes:

When we talk about the need to prevent correlation handles and assembly of information across contexts (for example, in the Laws of Identity and our discussions of anonymity and minimal disclosure technology), we are talking about ways to begin to throw a monkey wrench into an emerging Martinist machine. Mr. Duhigg’s story describes early prototypes of the machinations we see as inevitable should we fail in our bid to create a privacy enhancing identity infrastructure for the digital epoch.

‘Change “privacy enhancing” to “intellectual property protecting” and it could be a quote from an RIAA press release!

‘We should never confuse tools with the bad behavior that can be helped by those tools. Data correlation tools, for example, are vitally necessary for automated personalization services and can be a big help to future services such as Vendor Relationship Management (VRM) . After all, it's not Napster that's bad but people who use it to get around copyright laws who are bad. It isn't a cup of coffee that's evil, just people who try to carry one thru airport security. 🙂

‘It is easier to forbid the tool rather than to police the behavior but in a democratic society, it's the way we should act.’

I agree that we must influence behaviors as well as develop tools.  And I'm as positive about Vendor Relationship Management as anyone.  But getting concrete, there's a huge gap between the kind of data correlation done at a person's request as part of a relationship (VRM), and the data correlation I described in my post that is done without a person's consent or knowledge.  As VRM's Saint Searls has said, “Sometimes, I don't want a deep relationship, I just want a cup of coffee”.  

I'll come clean with an example.  Not a month ago, I was visiting friends in Canada, and since I had an “extra car”, was nominated to go pick up some new barbells for the kids. 

So, off to Canadian Tire to buy a barbell.  Who knows what category they put me in when 100% of my annual consumption consists of barbells?  It had to be right up there with low-grade oil or even a Mega Thruster Exhaust System.  In this case, Dave, there was no R and certainly no VRM: I didn't ask to be profiled by Mr. Martin's reputation machines.

There is nothing about miminal disclosure that says profiles cannot be constructed when people want that.  It simply means that information should only be collected in light of a specific usage, and that usage should be clear to the parties involved (NOT the case with Canadian Tire!).  When there is no legitimate reason for collecting information, people should be able to avoid it. 

It all boils down to the matter of people being “in control” of their digital interactions, and of developing technology that makes this both possible and likely.  How can you compare an automated profiling service you can turn on and off with one such as Mr. Martin thinks should rule the world of credit?  The difference between the two is a bit like the difference between a consensual sexual relationship and one based on force.

Returning to the RIAA, in my view Dave is barking up the wrong metaphor.  RIAA is NOT producing tools that put people in control of their relationships or property – quite the contrary.  And they'll pay for that. 

The brands we buy are “the windows into our souls”

You should read this fascinating piece by Charles Duhigg in last week’s New York Times. A few tidbits to whet the appetite:

‘The exploration into cardholders’ minds hit a breakthrough in 2002, when J. P. Martin, a math-loving executive at Canadian Tire, decided to analyze almost every piece of information his company had collected from credit-card transactions the previous year. Canadian Tire’s stores sold electronics, sporting equipment, kitchen supplies and automotive goods and issued a credit card that could be used almost anywhere. Martin could often see precisely what cardholders were purchasing, and he discovered that the brands we buy are the windows into our souls — or at least into our willingness to make good on our debts…

‘His data indicated, for instance, that people who bought cheap, generic automotive oil were much more likely to miss a credit-card payment than someone who got the expensive, name-brand stuff. People who bought carbon-monoxide monitors for their homes or those little felt pads that stop chair legs from scratching the floor almost never missed payments. Anyone who purchased a chrome-skull car accessory or a “Mega Thruster Exhaust System” was pretty likely to miss paying his bill eventually.

‘Martin’s measurements were so precise that he could tell you the “riskiest” drinking establishment in Canada — Sharx Pool Bar in Montreal, where 47 percent of the patrons who used their Canadian Tire card missed four payments over 12 months. He could also tell you the “safest” products — premium birdseed and a device called a “snow roof rake” that homeowners use to remove high-up snowdrifts so they don’t fall on pedestrians…

‘Why were felt-pad buyers so upstanding? Because they wanted to protect their belongings, be they hardwood floors or credit scores. Why did chrome-skull owners skip out on their debts? “The person who buys a skull for their car, they are like people who go to a bar named Sharx,” Martin told me. “Would you give them a loan?”

So what if there are errors?

Now perhaps I’ve had too much training in science and mathematics, but this type of thinking seems totally neanderthal to me. It belongs in the same category of things we should be protected from as “guilt by association” and “racial profiling”.

For example, the article cites one of Martin’s concrete statistics:

‘A 2002 study of how customers of Canadian Tire were using the company's credit cards found that 2,220 of 100,000 cardholders who used their credit cards in drinking places missed four payments within the next 12 months. By contrast, only 530 of the cardholders who used their credit cards at the dentist missed four payments within the next 12 months.’

We can rephrase the statement to say that 98% of the people who used their credit cards in drinking places did NOT miss the requisite four payments.

Drawing the conclusion that “use of the credit card in a drinking establishment predicts default” is thus an error 98 times out of 100.

Denying people credit on a premise which is wrong 98% of the time seems like one of those things regulators should rush to address, even if the premise reduces risk to the credit card company.

But there won’t be enough regulators to go around, since there are thousands of other examples given that are similarly idiotic from the point of view of a society fair to its members. For the article continues,

‘Are cardholders suddenly logging in at 1 in the morning? It might signal sleeplessness due to anxiety. Are they using their cards for groceries? It might mean they are trying to conserve their cash. Have they started using their cards for therapy sessions? Do they call the card company in the middle of the day, when they should be at work? What do they say when a customer-service representative asks how they’re feeling? Are their sighs long or short? Do they respond better to a comforting or bullying tone?


  • Logging in at 1 in the morning. That’s me. I guess I’m one of the 98% for whom this thesis is wrong… I like to stay up late. Do you think staying up late could explain why Mr. Martin’s self-consciously erroneous theses irk me?
  • Using card to buy groceries? True, I don’t like cash. Does this put me on the road to ruin? Another stupid thesis for Mr. Martin.
  • Therapy sessions? If I read enough theses like those proposed by Martin, I may one day need therapy.  But frankly,  I don’t think Mr. Martin should have the slightest visibility into matters like these.  Canadian Tire meets Freud?
  • Calling in the middle of the day when I should be at work? Grow up, Mr. Martin. There is this thing called flex schedules for the 98% or 99% or 99.9% of us for which your theses continually fail.
  • What I would say if a customer-service representative asked how I was feeling? I would point out, with some vigor, that we do not have a personal relationship and that such a question isn't appropriate. And I certainly would not remain on the line.

Apparently Mr. Martin told Charles Duhigg, “If you show us what you buy, we can tell you who you are, maybe even better than you know yourself.” He then lamented that in the past, “everyone was scared that people will resent companies for knowing too much.”

At the best, this no more than a Luciferian version of the Beatles’ “You are what you eat” – but minus the excessive drug use that can explain why everyone thought this was so deep. The truth is, you are not “what you eat”.

Duhigg argues that in the past, companies stuck to “more traditional methods” of managing risk, like raising interest rates when someone was late paying a bill (imagine – a methodology based on actual delinquency rather than hocus pocus), because they worried that customers would revolt if they found out they were being studied so closely. He then says that after “the meltdown”, Mr. Martin’s methods have gained much more currency.

In fact, customers would revolt because the methodology is not reasonable or fair from the point of view of the vast majority of individuals, being wrong tens or hundreds or thousands of times more often than it is right.

If we weren’t working on digital identity, we could just end this discussion by saying Mr. Martin represents one more reason to introduce regulation into the credit card industry. But unfortunately, his thinking is contagious and symptomatic.

Mining of credit card information is just the tip of a vast and dangerous iceberg we are beginning to encounter in cyberspace. The Internet is currently engineered to facilitate the assembly of ever more information of the kind that so thrills Mr. Martin – data accumulated throughout the lives of our young people that will become progressively more important in limiting their opportunities as more “risk reduction” assumptions – of the Martinist kind that apply to almost no one but affect many – take hold.

When we talk about the need to prevent correlation handles and assembly of information across contexts (for example, in the Laws of Identity and our discussions of anonymity and minimal disclosure technology), we are talking about ways to begin to throw a monkey wrench into an emerging Martinist machine.  Mr. Duhigg's story describes early prototypes of the machinations we see as inevitable should we fail in our bid to create a privacy enhancing identity infrastructure for the digital epoch.

[Thanks to JC Cannon for pointing me to this article..]

More news about our identity team

After my last post, it occurred to me that people would probably be interested in knowing about some of the other figures from the identity community who have joined my colleagues and I to work on identity and access – great people with diverse backgrounds who bring new depth to the increasingly important area of identity and access management. 

I'm going to break this up across several posts in order to keep things manageable…

Ariel Gordon

Ariel Gordon came to Microsoft recently from Orange / France Telecom.  It's really key for the Identity group at Microsoft to have the best possible relationships with our colleagues in the Telecom sector, and Ariel's 12 years of experience and understanding of Telecom will move our dialog forward tremendously. 

Ariel led the creation and deployment of Orange's consumer Identity Management system, focusing  his staff on optimizing customer journeys and UX through Identity lifecycles.  The system currently hosts tens of millions of user identities across Europe.  

Ariel oversaw marketing work (and the development of business planning) for Identity Management and other Enablers, including User Privacy and API exposition framework.  As a key spokesperson for Orange, he unveiled several of their innovations at Industry Events including their support of OpenID and SAML for Outbound Federation at “DIDW” in Sept 2007, and support of OpenID and LiveID for Inbound Federation at “the European Identity Conference” in April 2008.

Orange played an important role in Liberty Alliance, and Ariel has a lot to share with us about Liberty's accomplishments.   Listen to Kuppinger Cole's Felix Gaehtgens interview Ariel on YouTube to get a real sense for his passion and accomplishments.

Pete Rowley

Many people around Internet Identity Workshop know Pete Rowley, not only for the work he has done but because he has a coolio rock-star-type web page banner and a real stone fence:

Pete has been working on identity since the mid 90’s. He contributed to the Netscape Directory Server. Later at Centrify he worked on connecting heterogeneous systems to the Active Directory infrastructure for authentication and policy applications.  Many of us met him at the Identity Gang meetings while he worked for Red Hat. There he founded the Free IPA (Identity, Policy, Audit) open source project. I remember being impressed by what he was trying to achieve:

“For efficiency, compliance and risk mitigation, organizations need to centrally manage and correlate vital security information including

  • Identity (machine, user, virtual machines, groups, authentication credentials)
  • Policy (configuration settings, access control information)
  • Audit (events, logs, analysis thereof)

“Because of its vital importance and the way it is interrelated, we think identity, policy, and audit information should be open, interoperable, and manageable. Our focus is on making identity, policy, and audit easy to centrally manage for the Linux and Unix world. Of course, we will need to interoperate well with Windows and much more.

Now he's working on evolving the Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM).

Mark Wahl

Mark Wahl has been well known to identerati ever since the early days of LDAP.  In 1997 he published RFC2251, the famous Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (V3) Specification with Tim Howes and Steve Kille.  Of course it was fundamental to a whole generation of directory technology.

People from the directory world may remember Mark as Senior Directory Architect at Innosoft International, and co-founder and President of Critical Angle.  This was great stuff – his  identity management, directory, PKI, messaging and network middleware systems were deployed at many large enterprises and carriers.

Mark was also a Senior Staff Engineer and Principal Directory Architect at Sun Microsystems,  and later  developed and taught a one-year course on information assurance and computer security auditing at the University of Texas.

His passion for auditing and risk assessment technologies for the enterprise identity metasystem led him to create a startup called Informed Control.  You get a good feeling for his thorough and no-holds-barred commitment by browsing through the  site.

Mark is now applying his creativity to evolving the vision, roadmap and architecture for the convergence of identity and security lifecycle management products.

[To be continued…]

Protecting the Internet through minimal disclosure

Here's an email I received from John through my I-name account:

I would have left a comment on the appropriate entry in your blog, but you've locked it down and so I can't 🙁

I have a quick question about InfoCards that I've been unable to find a clear answer to (no doubt due to my own lack of comprehension of the mountains of talk on this topic — although I'm not ignorant, I've been a software engineer for 25+ years, with a heavy focus on networking and cryptography), which is all the more pertinent with EquiFax's recent announcement of their own “card”.

The problem is one of trust. None of the corporations in the ICF are ones that I consider trustworthy — and EquiFax perhaps least of all. So my question is — in a world where it's not possible to trust identity providers, how does the InfoCard scheme mitigate my risk in dealing with them? Specifically, the risk that my data will be misused by the providers?

This is the single, biggest issue I have when it comes to the entire field of identity management, and my fear is that if these technologies actually do become implemented in a widespread way, they will become mandatory — much like they are to be able to comment on your blog — and people like me will end up being excluded from participating in the social cyberspace. I am already excluded from shopping at stores such as Safeway because I do not trust them enough to get an affinity card and am unwill to pay the outrageous markup they require if you don't.

So, you can see how InfoCard (and similar schemes) terrify me. Even more than phishers. Please explain why I should not fear!

Thank you for your time.

There's a lot compressed into this note, and I'm not sure I can respond to all of it in one go.  Before getting to the substantive points, I want to make it clear that the only reason requires people who leave a comment to use an Information Card is to give them a feeling for one of the technologies I'm writing about.  To quote Don Quixote: “The proof of the pudding is the eating.”  But now on to the main attraction. 

It is obvious, and your reference to the members of the ICF illustrates this, that every individual and organization ultimately decides who or what to trust for any given reason.  Wanting to change this would be a non-starter.

It is also obvious that in our society, if someone offers a service, it is their right to establish the terms under which they do so (even requiring identification of various sorts).

Yet to achieve balance with the rights of others, the legal systems of most countries also recognize the need to limit this right.  One example would be in making it illegal to violate basic human rights (for example, offering a service in a way that is discriminatory with respect to gender, race, etc). 

Information Cards don't change anything in this equation.  They replicate what happens today in the physical world.  The identity selector is no different than a wallet.  The Information Cards are the same as the cards you carry in your wallet.  The act of presenting them is no different than the act of presenting a credit card or photo id.  The decision of a merchant to require some form of identification is unchanged in the proposed model.

But is it necessary to convey identity in the digital world?

Increasing population and density in the digital world has led to the embodiment of greater material value there – a tendency that will only become stronger.  This has attracted more criminal activity and if cyberspace is denied any protective structure, this activity will become disproportionately more pronounced as time goes on.  If everything remains as it is, I don't find it very hard to foresee an Internet vulnerable enough to become almost useless.

Many people have come or are coming to the conclusion that these dynamics make it necessary to be able to determine who we are dealing with in the digital realm.  I'm one of them.

However, many also jump to the conclusion that if reliable identification is necessary for protection in some contexts, it is necessary in all contexts.  I do not follow that reasoning. 

Some != All

If the “some == all” thinking predominates, one is left with a future where people need to identify themselves to log onto the Internet, and their identity is automatically made available everywhere they go:  ubiquitous identity in all contexts.

I think the threats to the Internet and to society are sufficiently strong that in the absence of an alternate vision and understanding of the relevant pitfalls, this notion of a singular “tracking key” is likely to be widely mandated.

This is as dangerous to the fabric and traditions of our society as the threats it attempts to counter.  It is a complete departure from the way things work in the physical world.

For example, we don't need to present identification to walk down the street in the physical world.  We don't walk around with our names or religions stenciled on our backs.  We show ID when we go to a bank or government office and want to get into our resources.  We don't show it when we buy a book.  We show a credit card when we make a purchase.  My goal is to get to the same point in the digital world.

Information Cards were intended to deliver an alternate vision from that of a singular, ubiquitous identity.

New vision

This new vision is of identity scoped to context, in which there is minimal disclosure of specific attributes necessary to a transaction.  I've discussed all of this here

In this vision, many contexts require ZERO disclosure.  That means NO release of identity.  In other words, what is released needs to be “proportionate” to specific requirements (I quote the Europeans).  It is worth noting that in many countries these requirements are embodied in law and enforced.


So I encourage my reader to see Information Cards in the context of the possible alternate futures of identity on the Internet.  I urge him to take seriously the probability that deteriorating conditions on the internet will lead to draconian identity schemes counter to western democratic traditions.

Contrast this dystopia to what is achievable through Information Cards, and the very power of the idea that identity is contextual.  This itself can be the basis of many legal and social protections not otherwise possible. 

It may very well be that legislation will be required to ensure identity providers treat our information with sufficient care, providing individuals with adequate control and respecting the requirements of minimal disclosure.  I hope our blogosphere discussion can advance to the point where we talk more concretely about the kind of policy framework required to accompany the technology we are building. 

But the very basis of all these protections, and of the very possibility of providing protections in the first place, depends on gaining commitment to minimal disclosure and contextual identity as a fundamental alternative to far more nefarious alternatives – be they pirate-dominated chaos or draconian over-identification.  I hope we'll reach a point where no one thinks about these matters absent the specter of such alternatives.

Finally, in terms of the technology itself, we need to move towards the cryptographic systems developed by David Chaum, Stefan Brands and Jan Camenisch (zero knowledge proofs).    Information Cards are an indispensible component required to make this possible.  I'll also be discussing progress in this area more as we go forward.


The Identity Domino Effect

My friend Jerry Fishenden, Microsoft's National Technology Officer in the United Kingdom, had a piece in The Scotsman recently where he lays out, with great clarity, many of the concerns that “keep me up at night”.  I hope this kind of thinking will one day be second nature to policy makers and politicians world wide. 

Barely a day passes it seems without a new headline appearing about how our personal information has been lost from yet another database. Last week, the Information Commissioner, Richard Thomas, revealed that the number of reported data breaches in the UK has soared to 277 since HMRC lost 25 million child benefit records nearly a year ago. “Information can be a toxic liability,” he commented.

Such data losses are bad news on many fronts. Not just for us, when it's our personal information that is lost or misplaced, but because it also undermines trust in modern technology. Personal information in digital form is the very lifeblood of theinternet age and the relentless rise in data breaches is eroding public trust. Such trust, once lost, is very hard to regain.

Earlier this year, Sir James Crosby conducted an independent review of identity-related issues for Gordon Brown. It included an important underlying point: that it's our personal data, nobody else's. Any organisation, private or public sector, needs to remember that. All too often the loss of our personal information is caused not by technical failures, but by lackadaisical processes and people.

These widely-publicised security and data breaches threaten to undermine online services. Any organisations, including governments, which inadequately manage and protect users’ personal information, face considerable risks – among them damage to reputation, penalties and sanctions, lost citizen confidence and needless expense.

Of course, problems with leaks of our personal information from existing public-sector systems are one thing. But significant additional problems could arise if yet more of our personal information is acquired and stored in new central databases. In light of projects such as the proposed identity cards programme, ContactPoint (storing details of all children in the UK), and the Communications Data Bill (storing details of our phone records, e-mails and websites we have visited), some of Richard Thomas's other comments are particularly prescient: “The more databases set up and the more information exchanged from one place to another, the greater the risk of things going wrong. The more you centralise data collection, the greater the risk of multiple records going missing or wrong decisions about real people being made. The more you lose the trust and confidence of customers and the public, the more your prosperity and standing will suffer. Put simply, holding huge collections of personal data brings significant risks.”

The Information Commissioner's comments highlight problems that arise when many different pieces of information are brought together. Aggregating our personal information in this way can indeed prove “toxic”, producing the exact opposite consequences of those originally intended. We know, for example, that most intentional breaches and leaks of information from computer systems are actually a result of insider abuse, where some of those looking after these highly sensitive systems are corrupted in order to persuade them to access or even change records. Any plans to build yet more centralised databases will raise profound questions about how information stored in such systems can be appropriately secured.

The Prime Minister acknowledges these problems: “It is important to recognise that we cannot promise that every single item of information will always be safe, because mistakes are made by human beings. Mistakes are made in the transportation, if you like – the communication of information”.

This is an honest recognition of reality. No system can ever be 100 per cent secure. To help minimise risks, the technology industry has suggested adopting proposals such as “data minimisation” – acquiring as little data as required for the task at hand and holding it in systems no longer than absolutely necessary. And it's essential that only the minimum amount of our personal information needed for the specific purpose at hand is released, and then only to those who really need it.

Unless we want to risk a domino effect that will compromise our personal information in its entirety, it is also critical that it should not be possible automatically to link up everything we do in all aspects of how we use the internet. A single identifying number, for example, that stitches all of our personal information together would have many unintended, deeply negative consequences.

There is much that governments can do to help protect citizens better. This includes adopting effective standards and policies on data governance, reducing the risk to users’ privacy that comes with unneeded and long-term storage of personal information, and taking appropriate action when breaches do occur. Comprehensive data breach notification legislation is another important step that can help keep citizens informed of serious risks to their online identity and personal information, as well as helping rebuild trust and confidence in online services.

Our politicians are often caught between a rock and a very hard place in these challenging times. But the stream of data breaches and the scope of recent proposals to capture and hold even more of our personal information does suggest that we are failing to ensure an adequate dialogue between policymakers and technologists in the formulation of UK public policy.

This is a major problem that we can, and must, fix. We cannot let our personal information in digital form, as the essential lifeblood of the internet age, be allowed to drain away under this withering onslaught of damaging data breaches. It is time for a rethink, and to take advantage of the best lessons that the technology industry has learned over the past 30 or so years. It is, after all, our data, nobody else's.

My identity has already been stolen through the very mechanisms Jerry describes.  I would find this even more depressing if I didn't see more and more IT architects understanding the identity domino problem – and how it could affect their own systems. 

It's our job as architects to do everything we can so the next generation of information systems are as safe from insider attacks as we can make them.  On the one hand this means protecting the organizations we work for from unnecessary liability;  on the other, it means protecting the privacy of our customers and employees, and the overall identity fabric of society.

In particular, we need to insist on:

  • scrupulously partitioning personally identifying information from operational and profile data;
  • eliminating “rainy day” collection of information – the need for data must always be justifiable;
  • preventing personally identifying information from being stored on multiple systems;
  • use of encryption;
  • minimal disclosure of identity intormation within a “need-to-know” paradigm.

I particularly emphasize partitioning PII from operational data since most of a typical company's operational systema – and employees – need no access to PII.  Those who do need such access rarely need to know anything beyond a name.  Those who do need greater access to detailed information rarely need access to information about large numbers of people except in anonymized form.

I would love someone to send me a use case that calls for anyone to have access – at the same time – to the personally identifying information about thousands of individuals  (much less millions, as was the case for some of the incidents Jerry describes).  This kind of wholesale access was clearly afforded the person who stole my identity.  I still don't understand why. 

Jerry Fishenden in the Financial Times

It's encouraging to see people like Jerry Fishenden figuring out how to take the discussion about identity issues to a mainstream audience.  Here's a piece he wrote for the Financial Times:

Financial times

If you think the current problems of computer security appear daunting, what is going to happen as the internet grows beyond web browsing and e-mail to pervade every aspect of our daily lives? As the internet powers the monitoring of our health and the checking of our energy saving devices in our homes for example, will problems of cybercrime and threats to our identity, security and privacy grow at the same rate?

One of the most significant contributory causes of existing internet security problems is the lack of a trustworthy identity layer. I can’t prove it’s me when I’m online and I can’t prove to a reasonable level of satisfaction whether the person (or thing) I’m communicating or transacting with online is who or what they claim to be. If you’re a cybercrook, this is great news and highly lucrative since it makes online attacks such as phishing and spam e-mail possible. And cybercrooks are always among the smartest to exploit such flaws.

If we’re serious about realising technology’s potential, security and privacy issues need to be dealt with – certainly before we can seriously contemplate letting the internet move into far more important areas, such as assisting our healthcare at home. How are we to develop such services if none of the devices can be certain who or what they are communicating with?

In front of us lies an age in which everything and everyone is linked and joined through an all pervading system – a worldwide digital mesh of billions of devices and communications happening every second, a complex grid of systems communicating within and between each other in real time.

But how can it be built – and trusted – without the problem of identity being fixed?

So what is identity anyway? For our purposes, identity is about people – and ”things”: the physical fabric of the internet and everything in (or on) it. And ultimately it’s about safeguarding our security and privacy.

If we’re to avoid exponential growth of the security and privacy issues that plague the current relatively simple internet as we enter the pervasive, complex grid age, what principles do we adhere to? How can we have a secure, trusted, privacy-aware internet that will be able to fulfil its potential – and deserve our trust too?

The good news is that these problems are already being addressed. Technology now makes possible an identity infrastructure that simultaneously addresses the security and public service needs of government as well as those of private sector organisations and the privacy needs of individuals.

Privacy-enhancing security technologies now exist that enable the secure sharing of identity-related information in a way that ensures privacy for all parties involved in the data flow. This technology includes ”minimal disclosure tokens” which enable organisations securely to share identity-related information in digital form via the individuals to whom it pertains, thereby ensuring security and privacy for all parties involved in the data flow.

These minimal disclosure tokens also guard against the unauthorised manipulation of our personal identity information, not only by outsiders such as professional cybercrooks but also by the individuals themselves. The tokens enable us to see what personal information we are about to share, which ensures full transparency about what aspects of our personal information we divulge to people and things on the internet. This approach lets individuals selectively disclose only those aspects of their personal information relevant for them to gain access to a particular service.

Equally important, we can also choose to disclose such selective identity information without leaving behind data trails that enable third parties to link, trace and aggregate all of our actions. This prevents one of the current ways that third parties use to collate our personal information without our knowledge or consent. For example, a minimal disclosure token would allow a citizen to prove to a pub landlord they are over 18 but without revealing anything else, not even their date of birth or specific age.

These new technologies help to avoid the problem of centralised systems that can electronically monitor in real time all activities of an individual (and hence enable those central systems surreptitiously to access the accounts of any individual). Such models are bad practice in any case since such central parties themselves become attractive targets for security breaches and insider misuse. Centralised identity models have been shown to be a major source of identity fraud and theft, and to undermine the trust of those whose identity it is meant to safeguard.

It is of course important to achieve the right balance between the security needs of organisations, both in private and public sectors, and the public’s right to be left alone. Achieving such a balance will help restore citizens’ trust in the internet and broader identity initiatives, while also reducing the data losses and identity thefts that arise from current practices.

Now that the technology industry is currently implementing all of the components necessary to establish such secure, privacy-aware infrastructures, all it takes is the will to embrace and adopt them. Only by doing so will we all be able to enjoy the true potential of the digital age – in a secure and privacy-aware fashion.

What identity providers will sites support?

Paul Madsen digs deeper into the factors that will influence the choices of Internet service providers as they move towards user-centric identity.

“Often times, in trying to be clever and sarcastic, I dive too deep into the ‘satire pool’. The urge to be witty and contrarian surpasses the urge to be clear. Consequently, the ‘point’ I am trying to make can, on occasion, be buried underneath surface frivolity and snideness.
“As happened with my recent post on HealthVault‘s chosen model for OP acceptance.

“With that post, I have confused Kim, and for that I here apologize.

“I was responding to a post of Simon Willison, in which he defended HealthVault's right to choose OPs selectively – and not be compelled to accept any ol’ OP coming in off the street presenting an identity claim.

“My post might have given some the impression that I disagreed with Simon. For instance, I wrote

‘I disagree’

“Admittedly, this set a tone.

“But the rest of the post was meant to point out that, while I do think the user has the right to pressure RPs like HealthVault to accept assertions from particular OPs – the appropriate mechanism for this pressure, as for many other interactions between customers and service providers (e.g. buying an OS), is through market forces. If enough users choose an OP because it is secure and privacy-respecting, or because it offers 2-factor authentication, or because it has a snazzy flash UI, the RPs will find it (if they are interested in serving their customer base).

“When the RPs do find these candidate OPs (or IDPs, the issue is of course not unique to OpenID) they will themselves do their own checking and assessment before they start accepting assertions. And of course, each RP has to ask the question ‘Is this OP appropriate for the resources I protect/manage?’. If the resources are neither privacy sensitive nor valuable, the list of OPs that are appropriate will be longer than for medical or financial information.

“HealthVault (actually probably some other audit & risk management group in Microsoft) performed this assessment and, at least initially, came up with 2 OPs that they felt were right for them. More power to ’em. Partner selection is tough and fraught with risk – they are right to be careful.

“I smile (more a smirk really) when I hear some in the user-centric world place the sole right and responsibility of choosing an OP on the user's shoulders. User's can't even remember their passwords, and you want them to assess the security infrastructure of an OP?

Surgeon: So, are we ready for your operation tomorrow?
Patient: Hi Doc, yes. But I was just reading about this new surgical instrument for the procedure. I really want you to try it out on me.
Surgeon: Hmmm, I don't know much about it …
Patient: Oh, you'll work it out as you go

“So yes Kim, I agree. Resources, and gall bladders, do have rights. “

Now it becomes clear why his original piece was called Pressure. Meanwhile, everyone should know that the last thing I would ever want to do is cast a chill over Paul's satire pool. What a refreshing oasis it is!  (No pun intended.)