Axel Nennker from ignisvulpis has been enhancing the openinfocard identity selector – I'm hoping to catch up with him soon and learn more about where the project is headed. Meanwhile this post is very interesting:
At DIDW 2007 I heard Sid Sidner talk about variable claims and how they could be used for online payment. Kim Cameron, who sat next to me during Sid's talk, suggested that I should include this into the openinfocard id selector. Today I uploaded two new applications to You can use the STS to create a paymentCard and import it into the openinfocard id selector:
Next go to the paymentCard relying party. You can change the price to see that the claim can be changed by the merchant. Type a new price into the input field and press enter. Next click on the paymentCard icon to start the openinfocard id selector:
Select a paymentCard using the openinfocard id selector:
The result looks something like this:
Please note the “trandata?” claim. This is the one that is modifiable by the relying party. It can contain anything. Sid suggested to base64 encode the data needed for 3D-secure. I just use the variable claim to transport price information from the merchant to the STS. The basic principle: If a claim contains a ‘?’ then the matching of the claim against the claims in a information card stops; that is the claim “matches” and the whole claim is send to the STS in the RST. Of course this does not work with the current version of CardSpace. Some newer version of the openinfocard id selector should do it. This functionality is inside it since end of October (I think). I did not find time to blog about this feature earlier. Have fun.
I tried importing the card into CardSpace, but wasn't able to do so since the openinfocard STS currently issues the card using an expired certificate. CardSpace checks for this, and other identity selectors should too. Is this one of the tests in the emerging information card interoperability test suite?
I'll pick this up again once the certificate problem is fixed. Until then, it works very nicely with the openinfocard selector.
I updated the configuration of the paymentCard_sts to use the valid certificate. My fault, sorry.
IMHO providing RP's data through claims’ query parameter is not quite consistent.
Mainly because of structure of RP's data not always corresponds to claims set.
Also there is AuthContext from WS-Fed that serves similar need.
As a workaround you can encode some extra bits in RP's URL and mandate AppliesTo to make its propagation to IDP.
This works well with Windows Cardspace.