Comment problem seems due to Firefox bug

As Pamela explains, it was neither the upgrade to WordPress 2.0.2 (made necessary by a security vulnerability discovered in WordPress 2.0.1), nor the nifty Pamela Project code, that has been causing problems when using non-Windows Card Selectors with Firefox on my blog.  Instead, it is the latest rev of Firefox itself (bugs are being filed).

For anyone who is using the “xmldap Identity Selector” Firefox plugin on the Mac and has suddenly found that they are unable to log into the PamelaWare Test Blog or Product Blog or Pat’s or Kim’s blogs, the problem is not with the blogs themselves. The problem appears to be buggy nastiness in the Mac version of Firefox, which wreaks havoc with Chuck’s plugin (xmldap Identity Selector v0.8.6) . If you uninstall Firefox and then install Firefox from (get release here), you will again be able to authenticate to everyone’s blogs once again. The Safari plugin works as well, so if you want to remain on Firefox, you could satisfy your Information Card needs by using that plugin on your Mac instead.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog commenting :)

A number of people also discovered a less severe problem where comments ended up in a manual approval queue rather than being automatically posted even after InfoCard login.  If you have logged in with an InfoCard you should be getting automated instant access.  As far as I can tell, this now works properly.

Please keep me posted about any other issues.  This will help everyone using WordPress with the Pamela Project plugin.

Final note:  automated trackbacks will also be slowed down for a while I strengthen the trackback spam filter (gee – too bad there is no delegated authentication yet…)  If you want me to see a posting quickly please drop an i-names email.

Published by

Kim Cameron

Work on identity.

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