Via Paul Mooney at dotnetjunkies here's news about a free personal identity provider from Verisign.  It's great to see a bunch of talented people at Verisign throwing their weight behind Identity 2.0.  The identity metasystem can only result from the confluence of all of our efforts – and here I'm speaking not only of vendors, but of writers, architects, top management and technical leaders all across IT.

I had a nice chat with Mike Graves of VeriSign at the Syndicate Conference  yesterday. I've met many people who work for VeriSign, but this is the first time I talked to one with a blog.

Mike was part of the Authentication and Feeds breakout and I asked him if VeriSign would ever come out with a five dollar certificate – how about free – was his reply.

So I checked-out Mike's blog and found out about it:

Introducing the VeriSign Personal Identity Provider (PIP)You're invited to visit and try out a beta version of an identity service we've provided. It's called the VeriSign Personal Identity Provider

What Can I Do With The VeriSign PIP?

When you register at the VeriSign PIP, your user name is used to generate a unique URL for your profile. My username is “mgraves”, so my OpenID is “ Now when you go to a site that supports OpenID, you can provide your OpenID, and use it instead of having to register separately for each site.

InfoCard will arive with Windows Vista, so PIP is an opportunity for us to get to learn about what's required for identity, trust and authentication.

Published by

Kim Cameron

Work on identity.