I've added an introduction to my InfoCard PHP Tutorial and Demo.  It explains how things fit together, and you'll also find a link to an updated (v2) zip of the code samples.
[Please note – these samples are here for historical purposes and are outmoded since there are now nice production code libraries available – Kim]


Published by

Kim Cameron

Work on identity.

3 thoughts on “NEW ZIP OF CODE SAMPLES”

  1. I have posted this same comment in another thread. Once I nstall the PHP in my Linux server, and run the php inforcard-demo from my Win XP, I am told: “This site requires a managed card that you don't have…”. What am I missing?

  2. Hernan – please download the code sample again. I updated one file (infocard-demo.php) to use the new OASIS claims names rather than the original experimental microsoft-specfic claims names present in the previous version of this file.

    The OASIS compliant version of CardSpace shipped with .NET 3.0 and Vista, so when you use this version of CardSpace with a relying party asking for the old microsoft-specific claims, the selector thinks the relying party wants a managed card of some kind.

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