Check out Scott Mace's interviews from Digital ID World

I just met Scott for the first time at Digital ID World in Denver. He was doing an incredible podblogging thing – sort of like an “enthnomusicologist of identity” (is that a mixed metaphor or what?) I really want to hear what he came away with ’cause he talked to a lot of interesting folks… He certainly got me singing like a canary – I hope I don't end up sounding too much like I've got everything figured out… I was trying to put an initial stake in the ground about what I'm committing to do.

What is it about Scott? He doesn't even use the podblogging word! There's something slightly psychoanalytic about his approach. He's so open. Open is strange and calming these days. Imagine! Someone who asks just the right questions to put your thoughts in order. I need to see him daily.

Published by

Kim Cameron

Work on identity.