Brittan School wins Most Invasive Proposal Award

Privacy International just posted the list of winners of the U.S. Big Brother Awards.

Of course there were many potential candidates, but the prize for Most Invasive Proposal or Project went to an initiative I have previously called out as a blockbuster. I'm talking about the “Brittan Elementary School RFID tagging of students” project, which broke a whopping four laws of identity in one go (user control and consent, minimal information, fewest parties, and directional identity). The story is here and my commentary on the project's demise is here. There was apparently stiff competiton.

The Privacy International press release reads:

The judges selected Brittan Elementary School for the award. Citing the principal of the school who enjoyed the idea of spying on all students’ whereabouts “because it would streamline the taking of attendance, giving teachers a few minutes more each day to teach and boost accuracy, no small matter given that California school funding is based on how many children attend class each day.” Parents of students reacted negatively and organized campaigns against the scheme. The Big Brother Award will be delivered personally to the principal by concerned parents.

Privacy International also issued a special Lifetime Menace Award to Choicepoint.

Published by

Kim Cameron

Work on identity.