I think many will benefit from Marco Casassa Mont's Research on Identity Management blog. He discusses business-driven identity management – and its foibles.
A recent post invites us to an upcoming Kable conference that I would attend if I possibly could:
An interesting conference is going to take place on July, 9th in London, UK on “Ensuring Privacy and Consent in Identity Management Infrastructuresâ€. It is supported by DTI and free to attend to the private sector and academics. The conference program and online registration form are available here.
“The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), through the Technology Strategy Board's Network Security Innovation Platform, is working with the Identity and Passport Service (IPS), the Home Office, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to develop a work package that will sponsor a £10m, 3-year, research and development programme into how to balance the potentially intrusive nature of identity services and network security with users’ expectations of privacy and consent. This research will be cross-disciplinary, combining social science with technological innovation. …
The aim of this initial workshop on 9 July is to discuss and refine the areas of importance for research, as well as identifying where the research is needed and where the UK has potential to develop world-leading commercial services. The findings of the workshop will lead to the development of projects and proposals using the EPSRC's sand-pit concept at a further workshop to be held in early October.â€
You might want to consider attending if you work in the areas of identity and privacy management …