Of course Kim Cameron's Identity Blog has been InfoCard enabled for a while, and I've written about the process. Now others are working (more on this later) to produce a WordPress InfoCard Plugin for everyone who wants to start accepting InfoCards.
Then a while ago I learned that Rob Richards had InfoCard-enabled his Serendipity-based blog and again published the code for others to examine.
Now Kevin Hammond has done the same for DasBlog – though I'm not sure yet if I can leave comments using InfoCards:
Taking inspiration from Kim Cameron and how he CardSpace-enabled WordPress, I did the same with DasBlog 1.9.6264.0. casadehambone.com now supports logging into the administrative account using Windows CardSpace allowing me to throw the use of passwords to the wind!
The great thing is that it only took minor changes to three source files and the introduction of one new configuration option each to site.config and siteSecurity.config. I have a little more work before me to make configuration just a tad easier, but the great thing is that this works really well.
I owe special thanks to Clemens Vasters who suggested this morning that the proper “hack” to get this working was to build DasBlog with Visual Studio 2005 and the Visual Studio 2005 Web Application Project add-on. DasBlog built out-of-the-box without issue, making the integration of TokenProcessor.cs to decrypt the SAML token a piece of cake.
If you haven't looked at Windows CardSpace yet, head on over to cardspace.netfx3.com and start reading. Now that Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 is released and Release Candidate 1 of .NET Framework 3.0 is available, you'll find the mainstream barriers to adoption are quickly eroding.
I hope Kevin also publishes his code so others can learn from it.
The work I did to CardSpace-enable DasBlog is focused around the administrative login and I will gladly package up the work this week and post it for the common good. Unfortuantely, DasBlog does not yet support authenticated comments beyond CAPTCHA.
Integrating Cardspace into Community Server is also quite painless. I've done some initial work to Cardspace-enable our Community Server blogs so we don't have to remember any passwords while we wait for Telligent to release an official Cardspace enabled CS version ala Sandbox. I've briefly documented the process over here [1].
[1] http://dotnet.org.za/armand/archive/2006/10/31/CSCardSpace.aspx