Identities on multiple devices

As I said here, I want also to look at a second strange claim by Eve

On another issue, she noted that OpenID 1.0 has a vulnerability in that it leaves users’ identities open to possible correlation by unauthorized third-parties.

But that CardSpace has a vulnerability of an opposite but equally problematic nature. Given that each CardSpace is associated with a particular client device (i.e., a particular desktop, laptop, or mobile phone running Vista), and given the fact that each user might have multiple such devices, each with a multiplicity of cards running on them…that the more such devices, cardspaces, and i-cards multiply for a given user, the more difficult it will become for a particular user to correlate the various fragments of their identity across their own personal “space.”

This really strikes me as bizarre.  Maybe Eve was asleep while the entire world learned to copy mp3s onto their music players and carry them around?  Duh.  We know how to move files from device to device.  In fact there are probably many hundreds of millions of people who can do it better than either Eve or I can.

The idea that this is the big vulerability of CardSpace boggles my mind.  The whole criticism “Does not compute.”

Then again, I actually use Information Cards, and move them from device to device, so maybe that's why it's so clear to me how easy it is to do. 

Let me share the exact experience I have installing the Information Cards from my PC's CardSpace onto my mobile phone.

 Moving Information Cards from device to device

1)  I open up CardSpace and select Back Up Cards.  This will create a file containing my cards.  I decide to call it “cardset”.

2) I copy ‘cardset’ to my phone and click on it:

3) The phone asks for the password I used to protect my file


4) It verifies I'm importing the right cards

5)  And now I have the same cards on my phone device as on my PC.

How hard is that?  It would be the same process copying the file to some other device.  It works fine.  As easy as getting a word document or powerpoint or mp3 from one place to another.  Dongle anyone?  How about email?

Still, the uberpoint is this:  once Information Cards live on my phone, they go whereever I go. 

There are lots of ways phones can potentially talk to other devices.  So who says we have to copy our cards to all our devices once they live in a secure, personal device like a phone that we always have with us?

NOTE:  I want to point out that the mobile implementation of CardSpace I'm showing here is NOT a product.  It's a way of learning about the issues, and collaborating with colleagues in the world of telecom and secure portable devices.  But hey!  It's still a lot of fun.  More later.

WordPress 2.1.1 dangerous, Upgrade to 2.1.2

Any product that is really successful is going to be attacked.  Over time the attacks will become progressively more sophisticated.  Given how popular – and how good – WordPress is, it doesn't surprise me that it has attracted enough attention that someone eventually broke through. 

Guess what?  I'm running 2.1.1 in my test environment.  Good thing I haven't flicked the switch.  Anyway, here's the scoop as explained by WordPress:

Long story short: If you downloaded WordPress 2.1.1 within the past 3-4 days, your files may include a security exploit that was added by a cracker, and you should upgrade all of your files to 2.1.2 immediately.

Longer explanation: This morning we received a note to our security mailing address about unusual and highly exploitable code in WordPress. The issue was investigated, and it appeared that the 2.1.1 download had been modified from its original code. We took the website down immediately to investigate what happened.

It was determined that a cracker had gained user-level access to one of the servers that powers, and had used that access to modify the download file. We have locked down that server for further forensics, but at this time it appears that the 2.1.1 download was the only thing touched by the attack. They modified two files in WP to include code that would allow for remote PHP execution.

This is the kind of thing you pray never happens, but it did and now we’re dealing with it as best we can. Although not all downloads of 2.1.1 were affected, we’re declaring the entire version dangerous and have released a new version 2.1.2 that includes minor updates and entirely verified files. We are also taking lots of measures to ensure something like this can’t happen again, not the least of which is minutely external verification of the download package so we’ll know immediately if something goes wrong for any reason.

Finally, we reset passwords for a number of users with SVN and other access, so you may need to reset your password on the forums before you can login again. (More here…)

Am I ever relieved that I'm using Project Pamela's InfoCard plugin in the new environment!  I haven't written about it yet, since I've been evaluating the beta.  But thanks to Project Pamela, I will just have to download 2.1.2, and change one line in one WordPress file to get InfoCard login working with it.  Let's drink a toast to proper factoring!  I'll be writing about this amazing plugin soon.

By the way, I have good news for the old-fashioned.  I'll be able to turn on username / password for comments again, since version 2.1.2 gets over the registration vulnerabilities in my current version. 

The whole episode brings up the interesting question of how to secure a widely distributed software project.  The more desirable you are as a target, the better the tools you need.  One day I hope to talk to the WordPress folks about incorporating InfoCards into their development process.


Interesting summary by Kobielus

Despite the puns in his first paragraph, this piece by James Kobielus is very interesting, and sums up a lot of the conversations he has been having with people involved in the identity milieu:

“First off, I'd like to suggest that what we should be focusing on is not ‘user-centric identity’, per se, but ‘internet-scalable identity metasystems’ (a thought that Andre ping'd me on and Dick got me to take to hardt). What are the principles for making our identity metasystems truly internet-scalable? Could it be that user-centricity (however defined) is a necessary (but perhaps not sufficient) condition for internet-scalability?

“Now, let's look back to that previous post where I enumerated the main internet-scalability questions that Mr. Hardt laid out for our consideration:

  1. How do we scale up user-centric identity schemes, in which claims/attributes flow through and are forwarded by the user, so that they work on an open internet scale, not just within self-contained federations or circles of trust?
  2. How do we enable the free movement of claims from anywhere to anywhere?
  3. How do we extend lightweight identity management to the “long tail” of websites that don't and won't implement a heavyweight trust/federation model such as SAML or Liberty requires just to do chained/proxied authentication?
  4. How do we leverage the same core universal lightweight internet design patterns–i.e., REST using URIs and HTTP/HTTPS–to do internet-scale ubiquitous identity?

“Now I'm going to slightly shift the context for a moment to Kim Cameron's “laws of identity,” and then attempt to map that, plus Hardt's concerns, back to the notion of what it takes to make an identity metasystem truly internet-scalable. First, what I'll do is just republish Kim's actual written principles, but in a different order:

  • Consistent Experience Across Contexts: The unifying identity metasystem must guarantee its users a simple, consistent experience while enabling separation of contexts through multiple operators and technologies.
  • Pluralism of Operators and Technologies: A universal identity system must channel and enable the inter-working of multiple identity technologies run by multiple identity providers.
  • Human Integration: The universal identity metasystem must define the human user to be a component of the distributed system integrated through unambiguous human-machine communication mechanisms offering protection against identity attacks.
  • User Control and Consent: Technical identity systems must only reveal information identifying a user with the user’s consent.
  • Minimal Disclosure for a Constrained Use: The solution which discloses the least amount of identifying information and best limits its use is the most stable long term solution.
  • Justifiable Parties: Digital identity systems must be designed so the disclosure of identifying information is limited to parties having a necessary and justifiable place in a given identity relationship.
  • Directed Identity: A universal identity system must support both “omni-directional” identifiers for use by public entities and “unidirectional” identifiers for use by private entities, thus facilitating discovery while preventing unnecessary release of correlation handles.

“Now, I'll reclassify/regroup/rewrite these principles into three higher-order principles:

  • Abstraction: An internet-scalable identity metasystem must provide all end- and intermediary entities (i.e., users, identity agents, IdPs, RP/SPs, identity brokers, etc.) with a consistent, abstract, standardized , lightweight, reliable, speedy, and secure experience/interface across all use cases, interactions, credentials, protocols, platforms, etc while enabling separation of identity contexts across myriad domains, operators, and technologies.
  • Heterogeneity: An internet-scalable identity metasystem must enable seamless, standards-based interoperability across diverse identity use cases, interactions, design patterns, credentials, protocols, IdPs, RP/SPs, platforms, etc.
  • Mutuality: An internet-scalable identity metasystem must ensure that all end- and intermediary-entities (i.e., human users, identity agents, IdPs, RP/SPs, identity brokers, etc.) can engage in mutually acceptable interactions, with mutual risk balancing, and ensure that their various policies are continually enforced in all interactions, including, from the human user’s point of view, such key personal policies/peeves as the need for unambiguous human-machine communication mechanisms, privacy protection, user control and consent, minimal disclosure for a constrained use, limitation of disclosures to necessary and justifiable parties, and so on and so forth.

“Now, how would conformance to these three wordy uber-principles contribute to internet-scalability? Well, abstraction is the face of the universal interoperability backplane of any ubiquitous infrastructure (be it REST, SOA, ESB, or what have you). And heterogeneity is the fabric of any hyper-decentralized, federated, multidomain interoperability environment. And mutuality (i.e., a balancing of rights, responsibilities, risks, restrictions, rewards, etc.) is essential for any endpoint (e..g, the end user, an RP/SP, etc.) to participate in this heterogeneous, abstract environment with any degree of confidence that they can fend for themselves and actually benefit from plugging in.

“User-centric identity got going as an industry concern when it became clear that federated identity environments are not always mutual, from the end user's point of view. In other words, under “traditional” federation, some “attribute authority” (not necessarily under your or my direct control) may be coughing up major pieces (attributes) of our identity to unseen RP/SPs (also not under our control) without consulting us on the matter. In other words, those RP/SPs can selectively deny us access to the resources (i.e., apps, data, etc.) we seek, but we often can't selectively deny them access to the resources (i.e., our identity attributes) that they seek. Doesn't seem like a balanced equation, does it?

“Now, tying all this back to Dick's key design criteria for the identity metasystem (in summary): open, free, lightweight, ubiquitous interaction patterns. Seems to scream for abstraction plus heterogeneity plus mutuality, which are necessary and, taken together, sufficient conditions for internet scalability.

“In other words, necessary for the identity metasystem to be universally feasible, flexible, interoperable, implementable, extensible, and acceptable.

I think James makes good points. 

Certainly one of the main things that will get us to the identity big bang is correcting the way earlier systems  “disappeared” the user.  You can see this in the enterprise domain-based systems, where the domain was all-powerful, and it was just assumed that a user was an artifact of one single administrative domain. We now realize we need more flexible constructs.

And you can see it in consumer systems as well.

Why did we all do this?  It depends on the context.  In the consumer space, I think, for example, it was assumed that customers would be loyal to the convenience of a “circle of trust” set up by portal operators and their suppliers.  There was nothing innately wrong about this, but it is just one scenario seen from one point of view. 

From the individual customer's point of view, the “circles of trust” should really have been called “circles of profit” between which they were supposed to choose.  As Doc Searls says, this isn't the only customer relationship which is possible!  Basically, we're talking very last-century stuff that didn't understand the restructuring impact of the web – and these ideas now have to grow into a much wider context.  This is a world of really deep relationships with customers, not of forced confinement.

So a big “correction” was in the cards, and the popularity of the “user-centric” view derives partly from this.  But there are other forces at play, too.  People can talk about “user agents operating on our behalf” as much as they want.  But who decides what “our behalf” really is?  We need as individuals to control those agents – delegate to them as James says – and keep them from getting “too big for their britches…” 

So my basic thesis is not that there shouldn't be agents and services operating on our behalf – or that I would support an architecture that made this impossible.  It is that all these services and agents must begin and end by being under the user's control, and we need a consistent technology to achieve that.

I totally buy the notion that a web site gets to decide who accesses it, and what the rules of engagement are for that to happen (“trust is local”).  So the user's control with respect to her interests do not diminish a service's control with respect to its interests.  Should we call this mutuality?  I think what we really have is a mutual veto – both the user and the site being visited can set whatever bar they want before they back out of the transaction.  To me, in a world of competition, this remains control.


Identity Selector Permutations

Check out this interesting set of Identity Selector Permutations posted by Paul Madsen on his ConnectID blog.

In trying to make sense of the various combinations of OS, browser, plugins etc for enabling a client with a Cardspace compatible identity selector, I created the following graphic (click to enlarge…)

Caveat: It's almost certainly wrong in places, and doesn't account for Higgins.  


Update: Neil Macehiter adds some details.

  • Chuck's extension appears to require Firefox 2
  • XMLDAP requires Java 1.5
  • CardSpace on XP requires .NET Framework 3

  • #1 is the all Microsoft scenario
  • #2 ties Firefox into the Cardspace identity selector through the selector from Kevin Miller.
  • #3 ties Firefox into Cardspace through Kevin's plug-in, but allows for the scenario of a user choosing to use a different identity selector than Cardspace
  • #4 is Chuck Mortimer‘s Firefox plugin as an alternative identity selector to Cardspace.
  • #5 is a non-Cardspace identity selector for Safari.


New Information Card Profile V1.0 Technical Reference

These new documents are too low-level to be of interest to people working on the practical issues of deploying Information Cards on their Web sites.  

But they may be of interest to students, researchers and the intrepid souls who really want to get their hands dirty and understand the nitty-gritty of the underlying technical elements.

The latest and most accurate version of “A Technical Reference for the Information Card Profile V1.0” is available for download here.  In addition, I've posted a new version of “A Guide To Interoperating with the Information Card Profile V1.0” since it had a few grammatical errors and an inaccuracy in one of the examples – the URI of the self-issued IP claims was incorrect.

HelloWorld Information Cards

One of the most important things about the Information Card paradigm is that the cards are just ways for the user to represent and employ digital identities (meaning sets of claims about a subject). 

The paradigm doesn't say anything about what those claims look like or how they are encoded.  Nor does it say anything about the cryptographic (or other) mechanisms used to validate the claims. 

You can really look at the InfoCard technology as just being

  1. a way that a relying party can ask for claims of “some kind”;
  2. a safe environment through which the user can understand what's happening; and
  3. the tubing through which a related payload is transfered from the user-approved identity provider to the relying party.  The goal is to satisfy the necessary claim requirements. 

If you have looked at other technologies for exchanging claims (they not called that, but are at heart the same thing), you will see this system disentangles the communication protocol, the trust framework and the payload formats, whereas previous systems conflated them.  Because there are now three independent axes, the trust frameworks and payloads can evolve without destabilizing anything.

CardSpace “comes with” a “simple self-asserted identity provider” that uses the SAML 1.1 token format.  But we just did that to “bootstrap” the system.  You could just as well send SAML 2.0 tokens through the tubing.  In fact, people who have followed the Laws of Identity and Identity Metasystem discussions know that the fifth law of identity refers to a pluralism of operators and technologies.  When speaking I've talked about why different underlying identity technologies make sense, and compared this pluralism to the plurality of transport mechanisms underlying TCP/IP.  I've spoken about the need to be “token agnostic” – and to be ready for new token formats that can use the same “tubing”.

There have been some who have rejected the open “meta” model in favor of just settling on tokens in the “concept de jour”.  They urge us to forget about all these subtleties and just adopt SAML, or PKI, or whatever else meets someone's use cases.  But the sudden rise of OpenID shows exactly why we need a token-agnostic system.  OpenID has great use cases that we should all recognize as important.  And because of the new metasystem architecture, OpenID payloads can be selected and conveyed safely through the Information Card mechanisms just as well as anything else.  To me it is amazing that the identity metasystem idea isn't more than a couple of years old and yet we already have an impressive new identity technology arising.  It provides an important example of why an elastic system like CardSpace is architecturally right. 

It's sometimes hard to explain how all this works under the hood.  So I've decided to give a tutorial about “HelloWorld” cards.  They don't follow any format previously known to man – or even woman.  They're just someting made up to show elasticity.  But I'm hoping that when you understand how the HelloWorld cards work, it will help you see the tremendous possibilities in the metasystem model.

The best way to follow this tutorial is to actually try things out.  If you want to participate, install CardSpace on XP or use Vista, download a HelloWorld Card and kick the tires.  (I'm checking now to see if other selector implementations will support this.  If not, I know that compatibility is certainly the intention on everyones’ part). 

The HelloWord card is just metadata for getting to a “helloworld” identity server.  In upcoming posts I'll explain how all this works in a way that I hope will make the technology very clear.  I'll also make the source code available.  An interesting note here:  the identity server is just a few hundred lines of code. 

To try it out, enter a login name and download a card (if you don't enter a name, you won't get an error message right now but the demonstration won't work later).  Once you have your card, click on the InfoCard icon here.  You'll see how the HelloWorld token is transferred to the relying party web site. 

This card uses passwords for authentication to the HelloWorld identity provider, and any password will do. 

Continue here…

Wouldn't it be more correct?

I'd like to share this interesting comment by Francis Shanahan, who works on identity from the vantage point of Citi:

“Your blog talks about “Cardspace enabling Apache”. Regarding the language in the post, I know I'm being picky here but…

“Wouldn't it be more correct to say “XML Tokens as an additional authentication…” rather than “…Information Cards as an additional authentication mechanism…” since I can use Kerberos or SAML tokens with Cardspace over WS-Fed.

“Wouldn't it be more correct to say “token enable” rather than “Cardspace enable”? I don't need to use the Cardspace selector with a WS-Trust enabled site.

“Wouldn't it be more correct to say “The whole identity token processing can…” rather than “The whole cardspace processing can…” and so on.  CardSpace is just the ID selector used to faciliate the token exchange.

“Just don't want to confuse folks thinking there's a Cardspace specific token.”

First I'll say that technically speaking I think you make good points, and I'll try to be as careful as I can to bring out these ideas.

Then, since pointing the finger at someone else is so fashionable, I'll say I was quoting what another company said it was doing.  (That, in itself, is interesting.)

But most important, I'll argue that the simplification of our current ideas into “iconic” notions is inevitable, and worthwhile, even though subtleties will be lost.  So we have to achieve a balance between the irreconcilables of breadth and accuracy.

I'll start with an analogy – the analogy to file and folder icons.  Computer scientists know files are potentially complex mappings of streams of bits onto blocks of storage.  They know folders are doubly linked lists of pointers to these streams of bits.  But if they're smart, they keep all of this to themselves – even when they're with other computer scientists and the door is closed.  If we told people about the inner workings of file systems, we'd drive them crazy.  In fact, they still wouldn't know how to manage documents or pictures or music.

Instead, people have gotten used to little pictures of files, and drag them from one “folder” to another – or even “onto” their mp3 players.  Our official help files say things like “Double click on the document to open it”.  We conveniently overlook the fact that the document exists as magnetic fields on the hard disk and you can't double click them.

There is a dualism between the science of the thing and the way we conceive of it in usage, just as there is in all aspects of reality.

When we invent new technologies, we start from the science, and it's really hard to explain what one is doing.  It takes months or even years to develop an “elevator pitch” – the ten second description of what you've done that makes it seem worth doing.  But that doesn't actually matter much, assuming you get funding.  What matters is the way the idea eventually enters mainstream consciousness.

It is inevitable that marketers will talk about products (CardSpace, Higgins, etc) rather than technology.

While people will “get” that something is being transferred when you authenticate or authorize, I suspect they'll always see the visual image as being the identity itself, with few understanding it as “a means to manage the metadata enabling connectivity between identity providers and relying parties”. 

I think protocols like WS-Federation and WS-Trust will be more or less invisible except to backbone engineers.

Once we get an Information Card icon out there and people start to use it, I think people will take it as meaning “Information Cards accepted here” – and that, in their minds, will be synonymous with CardSpace or whatever Information Card selector they run on their devices.  They'll realize that some sites want some cards and other sites want others, but will never think about token types.

So my reading is that Ping, which developed the Apache product being referred to, is already thinking about how to present a message that begins to deal with taking Information Cards to a wider audience.  Not out of the technology ghetto yet, but to a wider audience within the very busy technology community.  It would be interesting to hear what Andre Durand has to say about this.


Tailrank blog links

Tailrank did a nice summary of some of the blogging around our announcement. It's a cools site, where the results look something like this:


CardSpace & OpenID: Working together  

Found 4 days ago
The OpenID community has been having quite a few discussions about phishing and what we can do to help mitigate that problem. We have come up with a whole list of solutions that work together nicely to help address the problem. …

Microsoft and OpenID – commentary  

Found 4 days ago
Here are other posts on Microsoft and OpenID announcement: Kim Cameron (Microsoft) post Michael Grave (VeriSign) post “this is a significant step toward the convergence needed in the identity space” David Recordon (VeriSign) post “Convergence isn't new for OpenID, rather continues to show how …

Microsoft to Support OpenID Log on System  

Found 4 days ago
Time, Walk, Step, Turn Hosted on Zooom r [I am CEO of Zooomr] WIRED Blogs: 27B Stroke 6 : In a keynote speech at the RSA security conference earlier today Bill Gates reportedly announced that Microsoft was going to support OpenID. …

Microsoft Working on OpenID Support  

Found 4 days ago
It looks like we just announced that we'll be supporting OpenID at the RSA conference. Official details are in the press release Microsoft Outlines Vision to Enable Secure and Easy Anywhere Access for People and Organizations which states To further enable the vision of secure and easy anywhere access, …  

Found 4 days ago

With the Vista launch behind him, Bill Gates and Craig Mundie, Microsoft's chief research and strategy officer and security patron, were on stage the 16th annual RSA Conference in San Francisco before a crowd of about 15,000 security geeks and professionals. …  

Found 4 days ago

You can read it around the web, but, hot on the heels of the creation of the OpenID Foundation , the news from the RSA Security conference is that Bill Gates has announced Microsoft's intention to support OpenID 2. …  

Found 3 days ago

Sometimes wishes to come true. It was only a few days ago that I posted a rant about Yahoo's decision to impose Yahoo ID's on Flickr account holders . And I was just one of the many voices in the blogosphere raised against Yahoo's decision. …  

Found 3 days ago

There's lots of buzz in the blogosphere today about the big Cardspace/OpenId collaboration that was announced this morning at RSA. Whodathunk that a technology rooted in the RESTful open source ecosystem could intermingle with a technology built by the WS-* wonks without trigging some bizarre matter/antimatter explosion. …  

Found 4 days ago

User-centric identity infrastructure just took another key step forward today: Janrain, Sxip, Verisign, and Microsoft announced they will all be working together to help OpenID users get the benefits of CardSpace and vice versa. …  

Found 4 days ago  

Found 4 days ago

For those of us who've been helping to promote OpenID, today's announcement that Microsoft will work to get OpenID and Cardspace working well together is absolutely no surprise. Kim Cameron, Mike Jones and the rest of the crew have been saying both very rosy things, as well as giving some well-appreciated constructive criticism. …  

Found 3 days ago

Unbelievably sleepy old Microsoft (we spend $4bn on R&D but has anyone seen a return) beats dithering Yahoo (should we support it or should we buy OpenID) and arrogant Google (we hate OpenID and Microformats, we only use complicated stuff we invent) to officially announce support for the OpenID movement today at the RSA conference. …  

Found 3 days ago

Just when you thought it was safe to make assumptions regarding whether or not MSFT understood the ” Don't Fight The Internet ” rule of doing business on the 2. …  

Found 3 days ago

Microsoft, Verisign, Sxip and JanRain have announced that they will all support the OpenID protocol in their upcoming products. Kim Cameron has the scoop (but then he would have, being the ‘Chief Architect of Identity’ at Microsoft). …  

Found 3 days ago

CardSpace OpenID collaboration :  

Found 4 days ago  

Found 4 days ago

(There's always a dilemma between “publishing soon” and “polishing for peer review.” This is my first attempt at blog-based collaborative peer-review. Let's see how it goes!) The Problem Phishing is a serious issue, and it's only getting worse. …  

Found 3 days ago

This is great news for the OpenID community – having companies like Verisign and Microsoft onboard certainly help the chances of achieving a way to manage your persona on the web! OpenID ( Radar post ) got a big boost today when it gained support from Microsoft . …  

Found 4 days ago

This morning at RSA Bill Gates and Craig Mundie announced MSFT support of OpenID2.0 . ( Johannes has a good summary of the points they made too ) I wouldn't go so far to say that they got Married. But what exactly was announced? …  

Found 3 days ago

Thomas Hawk submits: In a keynote speech at the RSA security conference yesterday, Bill Gates reportedly announced that Microsoft was going to support OpenID. OpenID is an open, decentralized identity system that attempts to provide a solution to the multiple log on ID systems to access various sites across the internet. …  

Found 3 days ago

I'm proud to announce that, as of this morning, we are going to be taking ClaimID in a slightly new direction. We're going to be concentrating our efforts on being an OpenID provider, one that is extremely simple and easy to use. …  

Found 3 days ago

So I haven't had any time to talk to Kim or Dick – but here's my take on this deal between Microsoft and their CardSpace/InfoCards standards efforts and the OpenID community (Sxip, JanRain and Verisign. …  

Found 3 days ago

Microsoft and the OpenID community have decided to support each other. In depth coverage here. Congrats to all! THis is important news! Getting Microsoft to recognize and then support an open effort like OpenID is a first step. …

Structuring our announcement

Identity Woman Kaliya, who is a key community figure and has played a pivotal role in bringing everyone together, posted this (and this) about yesterday's announcement:

This morning at RSA Bill Gates and Craig Mundie announced MSFT support of OpenID2.0. (Johannes has a good summary of the points they made too) I wouldn’t go so far to say that they got Married. But what exactly was announced? I spoke with David Recordon and Mike Jones after the announcement. (this picture is before the announcement).

The OpenID Relying parties will be able to request that the authentication be done in a Phising resistant way. Then the OpenID Provider will have it a way to assert that the authentication of the OpenID (a URL or XRI/I-name) has been done in a Phishing resistant way. CardSpace will be available as a primary way of providing this kind of authentication (for users on Windows machines).

This is a very exciting development as it expands the options available to users. Their are issues with Phishing in OpenID (as outlined here by Kim) and addressing this hole is key to making it a viable protocol that is good for users.

Kim talks about is request to the OpenID community in the blogosphere and in the meeting they had last week at JanRain (Scott blogged about that here).

My big ask was to add a way to request credentials based on phishing-resistant authentication…..[so that] the system is built to handle the dangers that would come with its own success.

The one question I have about this collaboration announcement why Cordance, NetMesh and other companies who have made major contributions and have critical stakes in the OpenID community were not listed in the announcement. I know it was pulled together very quickly but I think the contributions of those two companies have been extensive and deserved mention (and yes! they do have ‘code’).

There was also no mention of like Brad Fitzpatrick the originator of the OpenID and his company LiveJournal which is now a part of SixAppart.

This is a good question.  As I pointed out yesterday, NetMesh was one of the orginators of OpenID.  Drummon Reed and Cordance have been big proponents too, and brought their i-names and XRI technology to the party.  Brad proposed the initial concept.  There are lots of creative people and companies who are playing their part in all of this, and I consider most of them to friends.

So since, as Gabe says, everything about this announcement – and identity work in general – should be perfectly transparent, let me share what I was thinking while working on this.

I've been involved in big announcements a number of times, and they take months to pull off.  Every PR department from every company has to get involved.  Each has a constituency and message that it wants to be clear.  Every time a change is made it has to go everyone else for approval, often provoking a further change, and so it just takes time.  You plan well ahead for these things, and commit near full-time resources.

We didn't have that luxury.  Nor was this meant to be PR as such.  It was a matter of the industry shaping itself through collaboration, and doing it in the blogosphere – the only place where these magical things can happen.  The fact that Bill and Craig thought all of this was important and exciting gave us all a sudden opportunity for time travel.

If I wanted this to happen in a short time, I needed to work with representatives, not the whole community, and even then, have a great deal of luck.  But to do this without offending everyone involved, I felt we needed an objective criterion for deciding who to approach to represent the OpenID community.

It seemed to me that the best representatives were the editors of the OpenID 2.0 specification.  After all, they are at the center of landing this baby.  And the editors are David Recordon at VeriSign, Johnny Bufu at SXIP, and Josh Hoyt at JanRain.  Thus the choice of companies.  I felt they would understand the technical issues and possibilities, and that the support of their companies for collaboration would be the beginning – not the end – of a wider process.

So to be perfectly clear, we would love to see more people and companies getting involved in this collaboration and building the momentum going forward.  This isn't the end of the identity journey – just a time-warp in which we all got thrown forward.  So let's work on some of the big announcements I referred to above, and most of all, on really great technology.

Feature – not a bug!

As he says, Brad Fitzpatrick “made” the orginal OpenID to solve problems he was facing at Six Apart.  Of course it grew over time, if anyone's opinion counts, it's his.  And here it is:

So Bill Gates just announced earlier this morning (while I was sleeping in / recovering) that Microsoft is supporting OpenID.

When I made OpenID, I intentionally left the method of authentication undefined. (feature, not a bug!)

Now people ask me what I think about Microsoft supporting it, using their InfoCards as the method of authentication…. I think it's great! So far I've seen Kerberos integration for OpenID, voiceprint biometric auth (call a number and read some words), Jabber JID-Ping auth, etc…. all have different trade-offs between convenience and security. But as more people have CardSpace on their machines, users should get both convenience and security. (sorry, I'm not totally up on all the details… just seen demos….)

Anyway, I and others at Six Apart are thrilled to see Microsoft supporting OpenID. Kudos!

Thanks Brad.  For us, its clear that OpenID is a really great technology for doing public identities – the simplicity is stunning.  I really like your work.  OpenID is clearly an important part of the identity metasystem.  We really hope to see the synergy keep expanding.