Agenda Setters 2007

Friends have pointed out that the awards panel at ranked me at No. 33 on their Agenda Setters Top 50 List for 2007. Looking at the people on the list, it's a great honor, and one which I think reflects the fact that more and more people are understanding the importance of identity. writes:

Kim Cameron is the only Microsoft name to appear on the 2007 Agenda Setters list and he's there because the panel felt that the identity management work he oversees is one of the few really innovative areas where Microsoft is active.

As ID and access guru at the software giant, Cameron has driven the development of systems such as the Active Directory, which helps users identify fraudulent activity to combat spam and phishing.

With online crime and fraud on the rise, Microsoft's Vista incorporates a lot of the technology that Cameron has been overseeing and which is being promoted as a major advantage of the new operating system.

Security and ID management will continue to be a big issue and so the work Cameron has been doing will continue to be extremely influential over the next few years.

For the record, I actually think this is quite a good time in terms of innovation at Microsoft. I see the company's support for my work, which would challenge any organization, as a remarkable sign. But this isn't the moment to cast aspersions on the panel's good sense!

So instead, I'd like to thank them for their interest in identity.  In my view the honor really belongs to all those who have been working on identity and security issues and technology, both inside Microsoft and across the industry.

By the way, people actually get to vote to increase or decrease my ranking (see below).   (This may not be ideal since Linus Torvalds and a number of other popular technologists appear below me in the list! )

Zend PHP Information Cards

Dr. Dobb's Journal is dear to my heart.  My wife Adele Freedman, an architecture critic, always used to point to the copies I left lying around and tell our friends, “Check it out.  It's amazing to watch him read it.  No two words fit together.”

But to me it was like candy.  So it was exciting to read the following article today on Dobb's Portal:

Microsoft and Zend Technologies have announced a collaboration to enable support for information cards by PHP developers through a component built for Zend Framework. Using this as a stand-alone component or as part of the Framework, PHP developers will be able to specify a Web site's security policy and accept information cards from trusted third parties.

“Microsoft and Zend are making a commitment to deliver information card support to PHP developers, which will reduce development costs and help make the Web safer and more secure for people,” said Vijay Rajagopalan, principal architect for Platform & Interoperability Strategy at Microsoft.

The cooperative work on information cards extends Microsoft's previous interoperability efforts in this area. Microsoft, in collaboration with Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS and ThoughtWorks, has developed open source interoperability projects on information cards for systems based on Java and Ruby.

“Web sites developed on ASP.NET can already accept information cards,” Rajagopalan explained. “With this work, a Java-based Web site, for example, built on the Sun Java System Web Server, Apache Tomcat or IBM WebSphere Application Server can now accept a digital information card for security-enhanced identity. A Web site built on Ruby on Rails can accept an information card. There is also an open source information card library project implemented in C, developed by Ping Identity Corp.”

Information about Microsoft open source interoperability identity card projects can be found at:

When support for information cards within the Zend Framework (an open source PHP application framework for developing Web applications and Web services) is enabled, users who access PHP-enabled Web sites will receive consistent user control of their digital identities and improved confidence in the authentication process for remote applications, all with greater security than password-based Web logins offer. Zend Technologies’ implementation of information cards lets users provide their digital identities in a familiar, security-enhanced way. They are analogous to business cards, credit cards or membership cards that people use every day.

I guess everyone familiar with this blog knows I've developed a deep affection for PHP myself, so I'm very happy to see this.

Success brings complexities too

Pamela Dingle is the awesome, programming, geek, girl Canadian who runs The Pamela Project.   She produced the WordPress InfoCard plugin that I use on my blog.  In this piece, she has a different take on Information Card adoption:

“It has been a while since I’ve meandered through my thoughts on where the world of the Identity Metasystem is going these days.

“A few entries in the blogosphere have examined what this system is not – which is in common use. I can’t deny the truth of such statements. However, what I do see, is a growing number of people who are contacting me, because they are working hard to change this fact.

“I can honestly say that I don’t worry about whether Information Cards will succeed. What I worry about, is what happens when it does. To me, this is why it is critical to run interops via OSIS, and not only that, but to create a body of work that anyone can use to understand, test, and create correctly operating components. We are in the lull before the storm.

“Have you ever heard the term ‘victims of our own success’? This is what we will be, if the wave of mass adoption comes, and we haven’t made it easy to be a GOOD member of the Identity Metasystem. If we don’t set community consensus on edge cases, abuse cases, some common standards for basic user interface, and other such things now, if we all don’t get busy implementing and learning from our mistakes and fixing them while it is still easy to do so, it is going to be chaos when suddenly the big thing is for every site out there to accept Information Cards.

“My view is, that user-centric technology in general is a massive tsunami moving towards the coast. It doesn’t look like much now because the wavelength is long — but once we get close to shore… If I’m right, there will be a sudden, immediate, and critical demand for architects, sys-admins, and developers with experience in this space. The more mistakes we make now and learn from, the less mistakes these future techies will have to make en masse.

“… and if I’m wrong about the tsunami — well I guess we’ll all have stories to tell around the campfire…. :)

Continue reading Success brings complexities too

MSN and Windows Live CardSpace Beta

You can now use Information Cards at Hotmail and all the other MSN/Windows Live sites. 

Just go here to associate an Information Card with your existing account.   I found that both Windows CardSpace and the Mac DigitalMe information card selectors worked beautifully with the system.  Check out this video to see what it was like registering and logging in from my Mac using DigitalMe. 

It's worth taking a step back to think about what can go wrong when you add a feature of this importance to a site with 300 million accounts.  If things don't work, you don't have a software bug – you have a trainwreck.  So the Windows Live people have done a lot of thinking, planning and testing in order both to create a cool experience and keep from confusing their users.   

There are still some anomolies.  In the words of the Beta announcement: Continue reading MSN and Windows Live CardSpace Beta

Start using DigitalMe for Mac

Over the weekend I installed “Digital Me for Mac” on my MacBook Pro and started using it with identityblog and other sites.  It's fast and totally does the trick.  I've made a micro video demo that gives you an idea of what it's like.

The install worked just as it should.  I ended up with a Bandit managed card – then went on to create a self-issued one so I wouldn't have to enter a password.  So now I can work on my site both from my Mac and my PCs.  I'm not sure if it works with Safari – I was using it with Firefox. Continue reading Start using DigitalMe for Mac

Managed information cards for secure online purchasing

Here's news of an important technology demonstration from Ping Identity and ACI Worldwide at the upcoming DIDW Conference (just two weeks away in San Francisco in case you have forgotten to register).

To put this in context, ACI Worldwide is the world leader in retail payments – over half the plastic card transactions in the world (55 billion last year) go through ACI's software at banks, merchants and networks in over 85 countries. Continue reading Managed information cards for secure online purchasing

Burton Group reports on user-centric interop

The Burton Group has posted its evaluation of the user-centric interopathon held at this year's Catalyst. The analyst is Bob Blakley, now with Burton and previously chief scientist for Security and Privacy at IBM Tivoli Software. 

Bob writes, “Prior to the event, there were some specifications, one commercial product, and a number of open-source projects.  After the event, it can accurately be said that there is a running identity metasystem.” Continue reading Burton Group reports on user-centric interop

DigitalMe for Mac passed the Interoperathon

Bandit's contribution to the emerging identity metasystem is exceptional – we're talking about the DigitalMe Identity Selector for Mac and Linux , as well as relying party components.  I will post a download link as soon as one becomes available.  Novell's Dale Olds wrote about the Catalyst Conference and OSIS Interopathon here Continue reading DigitalMe for Mac passed the Interoperathon

PHP managed card provider

Here's a new managed card provider from Patrick Patterson at  Carillon Information Security Inc.  With commendable understatement, Patrick writes:

I just thought that you'd like to know about a demonstration STS for issuing managed infocards that we've just finished.It's written in PHP, backends into either a database or LDAP, and is easily customizable to accommodate custom claims.

And, since it is written in PHP, it is easily deployable for those that want to experiment with a CardSpace STS, but who may not have either a JSP server to deploy one of the other Java based implementations, or an IIS .NET server to experiment with the one Microsoft has provided.

It is available here.

I'm a sucker for PHP and Ruby on Rails, so I love seeing this support.  Beyond that, I'm interested in Carillon's support for certificates. 

What is it?

The Carillon STS is a PHP-based Federated Identity Provider (IdP) which is capable of acting as a Secure Token Service (STS) compatible with Windows CardSpace and other “infocard” implementations. It has been successfully tested with CardSpace, as well as with Chuck Mortimore's Firefox identity selector plugin.

Once installed and configured, the Carillon STS allows a user to authenticate himself, either by password or by X.509 certificate, whereupon he is issued a digitally signed infocard containing some standard identity claims and optionally some customizable identity claims. When he presents this infocard to a Relying Party's (RP's) site, his browser's identity selector requests a SAML token from the Carillon STS. If the authentication information is still valid, a digitally signed token will be issued with the various claims asserted. The browser takes this token, checks the digital signature, encrypts it for the RP, and passes it along. It is the RP's responsibility to decrypt the SAML token, check the digital signature, check the asserted claims, and make an access decision based on this information.

Current Status:

This project has been tested with available releases of Windows CardSpace and the Firefox identity selector plugin. There are several Relying Party (RP) sites on the web to test against; in particular, the RP is able to consume Carillon STS infocards and display their contents.

Version 0.01 is the initial release of the Carillon STS. It is presently under active development.


The Carillon Demo STS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Carillon Demo STS is Copyright © 2007 Carillon Information Security Inc.


Note: Please hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on package you want to download to avoid file corruption.

Source: carillon-sts-0.01.tar.gz

I hope to meet Carillon at the next Interopathon.  It's really awe-inspiring to see this level of Information Card expertise developing spontaneously in the security and identity communities.  Congratulations, folks!

Including the whole spectrum of use cases

Mathew Martin, who writes Mostly Mr. SQL, clearly detests PKI certificates more than almost any living person.  He finds CardSpace guilty by association in a piece called GRRRR!  CardSpace.  What a useless steeming pile…

Ok. Cardspace/Infocard is like OpenId.  Password-less access to websites (or password-fewer access).


1. You must use SSL.  Even if you just want to secure your application against your clueless neighbor.  That is a minimum of $40.

2. You must decrypt the response on an account with NTFS access to the private key.  The NT Network Service account is not likely to have read access to the private key on a hosted account.  Good luck explain how and getting co-operation from your hosting provider.

3. Decryption must be done under FULL TRUST.  Many hosted accounts only let you run in medium trust and don’t let you create COM+ dlls, put stuff in the GAC, etc.

[Items 2 and 3 might not even be a good idea.  If the world at large manages to use your web application to maliciously download your SSL cert, I suppose they could do something evil, like pretend they are you]

4. To get rid of the “the website isn’t secure for banking or ecommerce” you have to spend $1000 on an EV SLL cert.  Oh, sure, pocket change.

5. And who is issuing managed cards? I can get an SSL based cert from Thawte that says I am the person that controls my email account, but I can’t find anyone who issues managed infocards anywhere.

I’ve about realize that I–a computer profession and programmer, will not be able to implement InfoCard/Cardspace in any form, not for my blog, not for my hobby website, nothing.  Either one has $1040 and ones own entire server or nothing.

If only the top 10 biggest websites can overcome the hurdles posed by infocard, what we are going to see is 5 websites accept infocard and everyone else (mom & pop websites) continue to use passwords and user ID’s. InfoCard will have a minimal impact on how authentication is done.

This is going to drive small websites into using OpenId.  Consumer will rapidly gain a few dozen OpenId cards.  The rising ubiquity of OpenId–which doesn’t try to be a waterproof authentication method–will take over the world, relegating InfoCard to “that way you logon to services”.

Come on Microsoft, when are we going to be able to run CardSpace/Info card in “real world” mode?

[Thanks to for the logo]  [Actually, I take that back, it is a Microsoft trademark. The purple box is has a substantial amount of IP self legislation that goes with it.  According to MS’s lawyers, I am currently in violation of usage guide lines for the icon.  Let’s see how Microsoft silences critics of InfoCard.]

Let's start with the CardSpace requirement that a relying party support SSL.  I agree with Mathew that requiring use of SSL and PKI is overkill for the type of blogging and hobbyist use cases he describes.  While my identityblog certificate is fairly inexpensive (thanks to, the extra cost associated with it at textdrive (which hosts my system) is around $100.00 per year because of the need to have a dedicated outward facing IP address.  I don't mind the cost too much, since I know there are people who will hit on my site and I like the extra protection.  But this really isn't appropriate for everyone. 

This underlines the fact that identity and the identity metasystem involve a continuum of use cases and technologies – and we have to embrace the whole continuum.  By making certificates mandatory, we cut the continuum in half.  Luckily, we can fix that before we get into the wide deployment phase.

My conclusion is that rather than hard-wiring the requirements for identification of a relying party into the identity selector, we should have allowed each identity provider to decide what minimal requirements were appropriate. 

This ends up having advantages both at the low value and high value ends of the spectrum. 

For example, a bank's IP might decide to only release information to a relying party with an Extended Validation (EV) certificate.  If so, CardSpace would not illuminate the associated information card if an EV certificate were not in use at the relying party site.   [EV certificates are only granted to companies or other organizations after they follow an extensive procedure for proving their legitimacy.]

Meanwhile, a blogging reputation identity provider might be happy to release reputation to any site the user proposes, certificate or no certificate.

Of course, the relying party is always free to use a certificate and gain the extra protection that provides.

This change is actually part of CardSpace 1.1 – which people should be able to start experimenting with very soon now.  When combined with the release of great toolkits for all the important languages, I think this will bring quite a bit of lift-off.

As for point 4), let's look at what the CardSpace advisory actually says:

I think there's a big difference between “a major internet business” and a site doing “ecommerce”.  When I buy a tee-shirt from Mathew I don't expect him to be EV.  If he were trying to sell thousand dollar cameras, I would feel differently.  I'd want him to either be well identified, or to work through a site like eBay that would provide another way of establishing his reputation.  And in this case, I want to make sure I'm really talking to eBay, so once again would like to see an EV cert.

I don't think any “major internet business” or bank will have any difficulty whatsoever covering the cost of an EV cert.  The idea of using the superior certs came directly from them, since they're the ones whose users get phished.  I don't understand why, given his earlier rant against the poor validation proceedures in conventional certificates, Mathew rails against our support for EV.  Part of his earlier criticism of EV certs is that the browser doesn't show the meaning of the cert properly, a problem CardSpace has solved. Consider this recent Anti-Phishing Working Group report:

As for who is issuing managed cards, you'll be seeing many outfits doing it as we move toward the InfoCard tipping point.  We're in the sockets and ecosystem phase of Information Cards, but I can tell you many players get the potential of the technology and are integrating it into product.

As for OpenID versus Information Cards, I don't see them as opposites.  Go to today and you'll see it supports use of Information Cards for OpenID authentication.   This is nice because it gets you InfoCard safety along with OpenID long-tail support. Going forward, I think you'll see most OpenID vendors supporting OpenID managed cards that work with OpenID sites.

As for the Information Card Icon, our intention is that it be available to everyone who supports the technology.  There has been pushback on the language around the icon, and we'll be figuring out how we can get this thing right.  In the meantime, I wouldn't be worried about using it on a teeshirt or to criticise us – but I would be worried about using it at a phishing site.