More precision on the Right to Correlate

Dave Kearns continues to whack me for some of my terminology in discussing data correlation.  He says: 

‘In responding to my “violent agreement” post, Kim Cameron goes a long way towards beginning to define the parameters for correlating data and transactions. I'd urge all of you to jump into the discussion.

‘But – and it's a huge but – we need to be very careful of the terminology we use.

‘Kim starts: “Let’s postulate that only the parties to a transaction have the right to correlate the data in the transaction, and further, that they only have the right to correlate it with other transactions involving the same parties.” ‘

Dave's right that this was overly restrictive.  In fact I changed it within a few minutes of the initial post – but apparently not fast enough to prevent confusion.  My edited version stated:

‘Let’s postulate that only the parties to a transaction have the right to correlate the data in the transaction (unless it is fully anonymized).’

This way of putting things eliminates Dave's concern:

‘Which would mean, as I read it, that I couldn't correlate my transactions booking a plane trip, hotel and rental car since different parties were involved in all three transactions!’

That said, I want to be clear that “parties to a transaction” does NOT include what Dave calls “all corporate partners” (aka a corporate information free-for-all!)  It just means parties (for example corporations) participating directly in some transaction can correlate it with the other transacitons in which they directly participate (but not with the transactions of some other corporation unless they get approval from the transaction participants to do so). 

Dave argues:

‘In the end, it isn't the correlation that's problematic, but the use to which it's put. So let's tie up the usage in a legally binding way, and not worry so much about the tools and technology.

‘In many ways the internet makes anti-social and unethical behavior easier. That doesn't mean (as some would have it) that we need to ban internet access or technological tools. It does mean we need to better educate people about acceptable behavior and step up our policing tools to better enable us to nab the bad guys (while not inconveniencing the good guys).’

To be perfectly clear, I'm not proposing a ban on technology!  I don't do banning!  I do creation. 

So instead, I'm arguing that as we develop our new technologies we should make sure they support the “right to correlation” – and the delegation of that right – in ways that restore balance and give people a fighting chance to prevent unseen software robots from limiting their destinies.


FYI: Encryption is “not necessary”

A few weeks ago I spoke at a conference of CIOs, CSOs and IT Mandarins that – of course – also featured a session on Cloud Computing.  

It was an industry panel where we heard from the people responsible for security and compliance matters at a number of leading cloud providers.  This was followed by Q and A  from the audience.

There was a lot of enthusiasm about the potential of cutting costs.  The discussion wasn't so much about whether cloud services would be helpful, as about what kinds of things the cloud could be used for.  A government architect sitting beside me thought it was a no-brainer that informational web sites could be outsourced.  His enthusiasm for putting confidential information in the cloud was more restrained.

Quite a bit of discussion centered on how “compliance” could be achieved in the cloud.  The panel was all over the place on the answer.  At one end of the spectrum was a provider who maintained that nothing changed in terms of compliance – it was just a matter of oursourcing.  Rather than creating vast multi-tenant databases, this provider argued that virtualization would allow hosted services to be treated as being logically located “in the enterprise”.

At the other end of the spectrum was a vendor who argued that if the cloud followed “normal” practices of data protection, multi-tenancy (in the sense of many customers sharing the same database or other resource) would not be an issue.  According to him, any compliance problems were due to the way requirements were specified in the first place.  It seemed obvious to him that compliance requirements need to be totally reworked to adjust to the realities of the cloud.

Someone from the audience asked whether cloud vendors really wanted to deal with high value data.  In other words, was there a business case for cloud computing once valuable resources were involved?  And did cloud providers want to address this relatively constrained part of the potential market?

The discussion made it crystal clear that questions of security, privacy and compliance in the cloud are going to require really deep thinking if we want to build trustworthy services.

The session also convinced me that those of us who care about trustworthy infrastructure are in for some rough weather.  One of the vendors shook me to the core when he said, “If you have the right physical access controls and the right background checks on employees, then you don't need encryption”.

I have to say I almost choked.  When you build gigantic, hypercentralized, data repositories of valuable private data – honeypots on a scale never before known – you had better take advantage of all the relevant technologies allowing you to build concentric perimeters of protection.  Come on, people – it isn't just a matter of replicating in the cloud the things we do in enterprises that by their very nature benefit from firewalled separation from other enterprises, departmental isolation and separation of duty inside the enterprise, and physical partitioning.  

I hope people look in great detail at what cloud vendors are doing to innovate with respect to the security and privacy measures required to safely offer hypercentralized, co-mingled sensitive and valuable data. 

The Identity Domino Effect

My friend Jerry Fishenden, Microsoft's National Technology Officer in the United Kingdom, had a piece in The Scotsman recently where he lays out, with great clarity, many of the concerns that “keep me up at night”.  I hope this kind of thinking will one day be second nature to policy makers and politicians world wide. 

Barely a day passes it seems without a new headline appearing about how our personal information has been lost from yet another database. Last week, the Information Commissioner, Richard Thomas, revealed that the number of reported data breaches in the UK has soared to 277 since HMRC lost 25 million child benefit records nearly a year ago. “Information can be a toxic liability,” he commented.

Such data losses are bad news on many fronts. Not just for us, when it's our personal information that is lost or misplaced, but because it also undermines trust in modern technology. Personal information in digital form is the very lifeblood of theinternet age and the relentless rise in data breaches is eroding public trust. Such trust, once lost, is very hard to regain.

Earlier this year, Sir James Crosby conducted an independent review of identity-related issues for Gordon Brown. It included an important underlying point: that it's our personal data, nobody else's. Any organisation, private or public sector, needs to remember that. All too often the loss of our personal information is caused not by technical failures, but by lackadaisical processes and people.

These widely-publicised security and data breaches threaten to undermine online services. Any organisations, including governments, which inadequately manage and protect users’ personal information, face considerable risks – among them damage to reputation, penalties and sanctions, lost citizen confidence and needless expense.

Of course, problems with leaks of our personal information from existing public-sector systems are one thing. But significant additional problems could arise if yet more of our personal information is acquired and stored in new central databases. In light of projects such as the proposed identity cards programme, ContactPoint (storing details of all children in the UK), and the Communications Data Bill (storing details of our phone records, e-mails and websites we have visited), some of Richard Thomas's other comments are particularly prescient: “The more databases set up and the more information exchanged from one place to another, the greater the risk of things going wrong. The more you centralise data collection, the greater the risk of multiple records going missing or wrong decisions about real people being made. The more you lose the trust and confidence of customers and the public, the more your prosperity and standing will suffer. Put simply, holding huge collections of personal data brings significant risks.”

The Information Commissioner's comments highlight problems that arise when many different pieces of information are brought together. Aggregating our personal information in this way can indeed prove “toxic”, producing the exact opposite consequences of those originally intended. We know, for example, that most intentional breaches and leaks of information from computer systems are actually a result of insider abuse, where some of those looking after these highly sensitive systems are corrupted in order to persuade them to access or even change records. Any plans to build yet more centralised databases will raise profound questions about how information stored in such systems can be appropriately secured.

The Prime Minister acknowledges these problems: “It is important to recognise that we cannot promise that every single item of information will always be safe, because mistakes are made by human beings. Mistakes are made in the transportation, if you like – the communication of information”.

This is an honest recognition of reality. No system can ever be 100 per cent secure. To help minimise risks, the technology industry has suggested adopting proposals such as “data minimisation” – acquiring as little data as required for the task at hand and holding it in systems no longer than absolutely necessary. And it's essential that only the minimum amount of our personal information needed for the specific purpose at hand is released, and then only to those who really need it.

Unless we want to risk a domino effect that will compromise our personal information in its entirety, it is also critical that it should not be possible automatically to link up everything we do in all aspects of how we use the internet. A single identifying number, for example, that stitches all of our personal information together would have many unintended, deeply negative consequences.

There is much that governments can do to help protect citizens better. This includes adopting effective standards and policies on data governance, reducing the risk to users’ privacy that comes with unneeded and long-term storage of personal information, and taking appropriate action when breaches do occur. Comprehensive data breach notification legislation is another important step that can help keep citizens informed of serious risks to their online identity and personal information, as well as helping rebuild trust and confidence in online services.

Our politicians are often caught between a rock and a very hard place in these challenging times. But the stream of data breaches and the scope of recent proposals to capture and hold even more of our personal information does suggest that we are failing to ensure an adequate dialogue between policymakers and technologists in the formulation of UK public policy.

This is a major problem that we can, and must, fix. We cannot let our personal information in digital form, as the essential lifeblood of the internet age, be allowed to drain away under this withering onslaught of damaging data breaches. It is time for a rethink, and to take advantage of the best lessons that the technology industry has learned over the past 30 or so years. It is, after all, our data, nobody else's.

My identity has already been stolen through the very mechanisms Jerry describes.  I would find this even more depressing if I didn't see more and more IT architects understanding the identity domino problem – and how it could affect their own systems. 

It's our job as architects to do everything we can so the next generation of information systems are as safe from insider attacks as we can make them.  On the one hand this means protecting the organizations we work for from unnecessary liability;  on the other, it means protecting the privacy of our customers and employees, and the overall identity fabric of society.

In particular, we need to insist on:

  • scrupulously partitioning personally identifying information from operational and profile data;
  • eliminating “rainy day” collection of information – the need for data must always be justifiable;
  • preventing personally identifying information from being stored on multiple systems;
  • use of encryption;
  • minimal disclosure of identity intormation within a “need-to-know” paradigm.

I particularly emphasize partitioning PII from operational data since most of a typical company's operational systema – and employees – need no access to PII.  Those who do need such access rarely need to know anything beyond a name.  Those who do need greater access to detailed information rarely need access to information about large numbers of people except in anonymized form.

I would love someone to send me a use case that calls for anyone to have access – at the same time – to the personally identifying information about thousands of individuals  (much less millions, as was the case for some of the incidents Jerry describes).  This kind of wholesale access was clearly afforded the person who stole my identity.  I still don't understand why. 

Where is your identity more likely to be stolen?

 From the Economist:

Internet users in Britain are more likely to fall victim to identity theft than their peers elsewhere in Europe and North America. In a recent survey of 6,000 online shoppers in six countries by PayPal and Ipsos Research, 14% of respondents in Britain said that they have had their identities stolen online, compared with only 3% in Germany. More than half of respondents said that they used personal dates and names as passwords, making it relatively easy for scammers to gain access to accounts. The French are particularly cavalier, with two-thirds using easily guessed passwords and over 80% divulging personal data, such as birthdays, on social-networking sites.

Of course, my identity was stolen (and apparently sold) NOT because of inadequate password hygiene, but just because I was dealing with Countrywide – a company whose computer systems were sufficiently misdesigned to be vulnerable to a large-scale insider attack.  So there are a lot of things to fix before we get to a world of trustworthy computing.


Kim Cameron's excellent adventure

I need to correct a few of the factual errors in recent posts by James Governor and Jon Udell.  James begins by describing our recent get-together:

We talked about Project Geneva, a new claims based access platform which supersedes Active Directory Federation Services, adding support for SAML 2.0 and even the open source web authentication protocol OpenID.

Geneva is big news for OpenID. As David Recordon, one of the prime movers behind the standard said on Twitter yesterday:

Microsoft’s Live ID is adding support for OpenID. Goodbye proprietary identity technologies for the web! Good work MSFT

TechCrunch took the story forward, calling out de facto standardization:

Login standard OpenID has gotten a huge boost today from Microsoft, as the company has announced that users will soon be able to login to any OpenID site using their Windows Live IDs. With over 400 million Windows Live accounts (many of which see frequent use on the Live’s Mail and Messenger services), the announcement is a massive win for OpenID. And Microsoft isn’t just supporting OpenID – the announcement goes as far as to call it the de facto login standard [the announcement actually calls it “an emerging, de facto standard” – Kim] 

But that’s not what this post is supposed to be about. No I am talking about the fact [that] later yesterday evening Kim hacked his way into a party at the standard using someone else’s token!  [Now this is where I think some “small tweaks” start to be called for… – Kim]

It happened like this. I was talking to Mary Branscombe, Simon Bisson and John Udell when suddenly Mary jumped up with a big smile on her face. Kim, who has a kind of friendly bear look about him, had arrived. She ran over and then I noticed that a bouncer had his arm across Kim’s chest (”if your name’s not down you’re not coming in”). Kim had apparently wandered upstairs without getting his wristband first. Kim disappeared off downstairs, and I figured he might not even come back. A few minutes later though and there he was. I assumed he had found an organizer downstairs to give him a wristband… When he said that he actually had taken the wristband from someone leaving the party, and hooked it onto his wrist me and John practically pissed our pants laughing. As Jon explains (in Kim Cameron's Excellent Adventure):

If you don’t know who Kim is, what’s cosmically funny here is that he’s the architect for Microsoft’s identity system and one of the planet’s leading authorities on identity tokens and access control.

We stood around for a while, laughing and wondering if Kim would reappear or just call it a night. Then he emerged from the elevator, wearing a wristband which — wait for it — belonged to John Fontana.  Kim hacked his way into the party with a forged credential! You can’t make this stuff up!

While there is certainly some cosmic truth to this description, and while I did in fact back away slightly from the raucus party at the precise moment James says he and Jon “pissed their pants”, John Fontana did NOT actually give me his wristband.  You see, he didn't have a wristband either. 

So let's go through this step by step.  It all began with the invite that brought me to the party in the first place:

As a spokesperson for PDC2008, we’re looking forward to having you join us at the Rooftop Bar of the Standard Hotel for the Media/Analyst party on October 27th at 7:00pm

This invite came directly from the corporate Department of Parties.

I point this out just to ward off any unfair accusations that I just wanted to raid the party's immense Martini bar. Those who know me also know nothing could be further from the truth. You have to force a Martini into my hands.  My attendance represented nothing but Duty.  But I digress.

Protocol Violation

The truth of the matter is that I ran into John Fontana in the cafe of the Standard and we arrived at the party together.  He had been invited because this was, ummm, a Press party and he was, ummm, Press. 

However, it didn’t take more than a few seconds for us to see that the protocol for party access control had not been implemented correctly.   We just assumed this was a bug due to the fact that the party was celebrating a Beta, and that we would have to work our way past it as all beta participants do. 

Let’s just say the token-issuing part of the party infrastructure had crashed, whereas the access control point was operating in an out-of-control fashion.

Looking at it from an architectural point of view, the admission system was based on what is technically called “bearer” tokens (wristbands). Such tokens are NOT actually personalized in any way, or tied to the identity of the person they are given to through some kind of proof. If you “have” the token, you ARE the bearer of the token.

So one of those big ideas slowly began to take root in our minds.  Why not become bearers of the requisite tokens, thereby compensating for the inoperative token-issuing system?

Well, at that point, since not a few of the people leaving the party knew us,  John and I explained our “aha”, and pointed out the moribund token-issuing component.  As is typical of people seeing those in need of help, we were showered with offers of assistance.

I happened to be rescued by an unknown bystander with incredibly nimble and strong fingers and deep expertise with wristband technology.  She was able to easily dislodge her wristband and put it on me in such a way that it’s integrity was totally intact. 

There was no forged token.  There was no stolen token.  It was a real token.  I just became the bearer.

When we got back upstairs, the access control point evaluated my token – and presto – let me in to join a certain set of regaling hedonists basking in the moonlight.  

But sadly – and unfairly –  John’s token was rejected since its donor, lacking the great skill of mine, had damaged it during the token transplant.

Despite the Martini now in my hand, I was overcome by that special sadness you feel when escaping ill fate wrongly allotted to one more deserving of good fortune than you.  John slipped silently out of the queue and slinked off to a completely different party.

So that's it, folks.  Yet the next morning, I had to wake up, and confont again my humdrum life.  But I do so inspired by the kindness of both strangers and friends (have I gone too far?)


The Emperor's new clothes

The UK's Register has been running a a series of articles by John Leyden  (here, here and here) about Verified By Visa. (VByV)  Verified By Visa uses the same kind of “site redirection” I've written about many times with respect to OpenID and other password-based federation technologies – but in this case it is a banking password that can be stolen.

The phishing scenario is simple enough.  If you happen onto an “evil” site and are tricked into purchasing something, it can “misdirect” your browser to a counterfeit VByV signon page.  As John explains, you have little chance, as a user, of knowing you are being duped, but once you enter your password it is available to the evil site for both instant use an future reuse.  Those familiar with this site will understand that this is yet another example of an attack that cannot be made against Information Card users.

Beyond focussing attention on the phishing problems inherent in “site redirection” approaches, John argues that the system – though claiming to be more secure – is actually just as vulnerable as non-VByV mechanisms.  He then argues – and I have know knowledge as to whether this is the case – that the false claims about increased security are being used to reject complaints by end-users about irregularities and fraudulent purchases made in their name.  If that were true, it would be scandalous.

Friends, this is a case of “The Writing on the Wall”.  I think people in the industry should see John's work as a sign of what's to come.   He is the guy in the fable who is shouting out that “the Emperor has no clothes!”  And he's doing it cogently to the wide readership of the Register.

If I were an advisor to the emperor at this point I would insist on two things: 

  1. admit the vulnerability of all systems based on “site redirection”; and
  2. start getting into phishing-resistant technologies like Information Cards while one's modesty can still be protected.

John makes his points without the stench of jargon.  In spite of this, North American readers will require a dictionary to follow what he's saying (I did).  I'm talking here about a dictionary of British idioms (thanks to my friend Richard Turner for boosting my vocabulary on this one) :

punter n guy. A punter is usually a customer of some sort (the word originally meant someone who was placing bets at a racecourse)…

To see a bit of what mainstream press worldwide will be writing about as the paucity of redirection technology for long-tail scenarios is concerned, I do suggest looking first hand at these articles.  One small taste:

Both Verified by Visa (VbyV) and MasterCard's equivalent SecureCode service are marketed as offering extra security checks to online purchases. Importantly, the schemes also transfer liability for bogus transactions away from merchants who use the system back towards banks (and perhaps ordinary e-commerce punters).

Online shoppers who buy goods and service with participating retailers are asked to submit a VbyV or SecureCode password to authorise transactions. These additional checks are typically submitted via a website affiliated to a card-issuing bank but with no obvious connection to a user's bank.

Punters aren't informed up front that a merchant has signed up to Verified by Visa. Sites used to authenticate a VbyV or SecureCode password routinely deliver a dialogue box using a pop-up window or inline frame, making it difficult to detect whether or not a site is genuine.

The appearance of phishing attacks hunting for Verified by Visa passwords are among the reasons some punters are wary of the technology.

Once obtained by fraudsters, either by direct phishing attack or through other more subtle forms of social engineering trickery, VbyV login credentials make it easier for crooks to make purchases online while simultaneously making it harder for consumers to deny responsibility for a fraudulent transaction…

The little-publicised mandatory use of the technology by some banks means that those with reservations have an uphill struggle to opt out of the scheme…

Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode are there purely to protect the banks, not the card holder. They offer zero additional protection to the consumer, but allow the bank to claim that transactions using purloined credit card credentials were really made by the card holder. It is as simple as that.

[More here}.


Are Countrywide's systems designed around need to know?

I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it any more

It was inevitable, given how sloppy many companies are when handling the identity of their customers, that someone would eventually steal all my personal information.  But no matter how much science you have in your back pocket, it hurts when you get slapped in the face.

The theory is clear:  systems must be built to withstand being breached.  But they often aren't.

One thing for sure: the system used at Countrywide Mortgage was so leaky that when I phoned my bank to ask how I should handle the theft, my advisor said, “I don't know.  I'm trying to figure that out, since my information was stolen too.”  We commiserated.  It's not a good feeling.

And then we talked about the letter.

What a letter.  It is actually demented.  It's as though Countrywide's information systems didn't exist, and weren't a factor in any insider misbehavior. 

I agree there was a bad employee.  But is he the only guilty party?  Was the system set up so employees could only get at my personal information when there was a need to know

Was the need to know documented?  Was there a separation of duties?  Was there minimization of data?  Can I see the audit trails?  What was going on here?  I want to know.

My checks rolled in to Countrywide with scientific precision.  No one needed to contact me through emergency channels.  Why would anyone get access to my personal information?  Just on a whim?  

How many of us were affected?  We haven't been told.  I want to know.  Iit bears on need to know and storage technologies.

But I'm ahead of myself.  I'll share the letter, sent by Sheila Zuckerman on behalf of “the President” (“President” who??).

We are writing to inform you that we recently became aware-that a Countrywide employee (now former) may have sold unauthorized personal information about you to a third party. Based on a joint investigation conducted by Countrywide and law enforcement authorities, it was determined that the customer information involved in this incident included your name, address, Social Security number, mortgage loan number, and various other loan and application information.

We deeply regret this incident and apologize for any inconvenience or concern it may cause you. We take our responsibility to safeguard your information very seriously and will not tolerate any actions that compromise the privacy or security of our customers’ information. We have terminated the individual's access to customer information and he is no longer employed by Countrywide. Countrywide will continue to work with law enforcement authorities to pursue further actions as appropriate.

I don't want to hear this kind of pap.  I want an audit of your systems and how they protected or did not protect me from insider attack.

If you are a current Countrywide mortgage holder, we will take necessary precautions to monitor your mortgage account and will notify you if we detect any suspicious or unauthorized activity related to this incident. We will also work with you to resolve unauthorized transactions on your Countrywide mortgage account related to this incident if reported to us in a timely manner.

I find this paragraph especially arrogant.  I'm the one who needs to do things in a timely manner although they didn't take the precautions necessary to protect me. 

As an additional measure of protection, Countrywide has arranged for complimentary credit monitoring services provided by a Countrywide vendor at no cost to you over the next two years. We have engaged, Inc., an Experian® Company, to provide to you at your option, a two-year membership in Triple Advantage Credit Monitoring.  You will not be billed for this service. Triple Advantage includes daily monitoring of your credit reports from the three national credit reporting companies (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion®) and email monitoring alerts of key changes to your credit reports.

Why are they doing this?  Out of the goodness of their hearts?  Or because they've allowed my information to be spewed all over the world through incompetent systems?

To learn more about and enroll in Triple Advantage, log on to and complete the secure online form. You will need to enter the activation code provided below on page two of the online form to complete enrollment. If you do not have Internet access, please, call the number below for assistance with enrollment.   You will have-90 days from the-date of-this letter-to-use the code to activate the credit monitoring product.

Borrower Activation Code: XXXXXXXXX

And now the best part.  I'm going to need to hire a personal assistant to do everything required by Countrywide and still remain employed:

In light of the sensitive nature of the information, we urge you to read the enclosed brochure outlining precautionary measures you may want to take. The brochure will guide you through steps to:

  • Contact the major credit bureaus and place a fraud alert on your credit reports;
  • Review your recent account activity for unauthorized charges or accounts;
  • Be vigilant and carefully review your monthly credit card and other account statements over the next twelve to twenty-four months for any unauthorized charges; anTake action should any unauthorized activity appear on your credit report.

I need more information on why I only need to be vigilant for twelve to twenty-four months, when, thanks to Countrywide, my personal information has spilled out and I have no way to get it back!

We apologize again that this incident has occurred and for any inconvenience or worry it may have caused.  If you have questions, please call our special services hotline at 1-866-451-5895, and a specially trained representative will be ready to assist you.


Sheila Zuckerman
Countrywide Office of the President

O.K.  This is going to be a long process.  It drives home the need for data minimization.  It underlines the need for stronger authentication.  But EVERY case like this should make us deeply question the way our systems are structured, and ask why there are no professional standards that must be met in protecting private information.

When a bridge collapses, people look into the why of it all.

We need to do that with these identity breaches too.   As far as I'm concerned, Countrywide has a lot of explaining to do.  And as a profession we need clear engineering standards and ways of documenting how our systems are protected through “need to know” and the other relevant technologies.

Finally, we all need to start making insider attacks a top priority, since all research points to insiders and our number one threat.


Hole in Google SSO service

Some days you get up and wish you hadn't.  How about this one:

Google SSO problem

The ZDNet article begins by reassuring us:

“Google has fixed an implementation flaw in the single sign-on service that powers Google Apps follow a warning from researchers that remote attackers can exploit a hole to access Google accounts.

“The vulnerability, described in this white paper (.pdf), affects the SAML Single Sign-On Service for Google Apps.

“This US-CERT notice describes the issue:

“A malicious service provider might have been able to access a user’s Google Account or other services offered by different identity providers. [US-CERT actually means ‘by different service providers’ – Kim]

“Google has addressed this issue by changing the behavior of their SSO implemenation. Administrators and developers were required to update their identity provider to provide a valid recipient field in their assertions.

“To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would have to convince the user to login to their site

Incredibly basic errors

The paper is by Alessandro Armando,  Roberto Carbone, Luca Compagna, Jorge Cuellar, and Llanos Tobarra, who are affiliated with University of Genoa, Siemens and SAP, and is one of an important series of studies demonstrating the value of automated protocol verification systems.

But the surprising fact is that the errors made are incredibly basic – you don't need an automated protocol verification system to know which way the wind blows.  The industry has known about exactly these problems for a long time now.   Yet people keep making the same mistakes.

Do your own thing

The developers decided to forget about the SAML specification as it's written and just “do their own thing.”  As great as this kind of move might be on the dance floor, it's dangerous when it comes to protecting peoples’ resources and privacy.  In fact it is insideous since the claim that Google SSO implemented a well vetted protocol tended to give security professionals a sense of confidence that we understood its capabilities and limitations.  In retrospect, it seems we need independent audit before we depend on anything.  Maybe companies like Fugen can help in this regard?

What was the problem?

Normally, when a SAML relying party wants a user to authenticate through SAML (or WS-Fed), the replying party sends her to an identity provider with a request that contains an ID and a scope  (e.g. URL) to which the resulting token should apply.

For example, in authenticating someone to identityblog, my underlying software would make up a random authentication ID number and the scope would be  The user would carry this information with her when she was redirected to the identity provider for authantication.

The identity provider would then ask for a password, or examine a cookie, and sign an authentication assertion containing the ID number, the scope, the client identity, and the identity provider's identity.  

Having been bound together cryptographically in a tamperproof form where authenticity of the assertion could be verified, these properties would be returned to the relying party.  Because of the unique ID, the relying party knows this assertion was freshly minted in response to its needs.  Further, since the scope is specified, the relying party can't abuse the assertion it gets at some other scope.

But according to the research done by the paper's authors, the Google engineers “simplified” the protocol, perhaps hoping to make it “more efficient”?  So they dropped the whole ID and scope “thing” out of the assertion.  All that was signed was the client's identity.

The result was that the relying party had no idea if the assertion was minted for it or for some other relying party.  It was one-for-all and all-for-one at Google.

Wake up to insider attacks

This might seem reasonable, but it sure would sure cause me sleepless nights.

The problem is that if you have a huge site like Google, which brings together many hundreds (thousands?) of services, then with this approach, if even ONE of them “goes bad”, the penetrated service can use any tokens it gets to impersonate those users at any other Google relying party service.

It is a red carpet for insider attacks.  It is as though someone didn't know that insider attacks represent the overwhelming majority of attacks.  Partitioning is the key weapon we have in fighting these attacks.  And the Google design threw partitioning to the wind.  One hole in the hull and the whole ship goes down.

Indeed the qualifying note in the ZD article that “to exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would have to convince the user to login to their site” misses the whole point about how this vulnerability facilitates insider attacks.  This is itself worrisome since it seems that thinking about the insider isn't something that comes naturally to us.

Then it gets worse.

This is all pretty depressing but it gets worse.  At some point, Google decided to offer SSO to third party sites.  But according to the researchers, at this point, the scope still was not being verified.  Of course the conclusion is that any service provider who subscribed to this SSO service – and any wayward employee who could get at the tokens – could impersonate any user of the third party service and access their accounts anywhere within the Google ecosystem.

My friends at Google aren't going to want to be lectured about security and privacy issues – especially by someone from Microsoft.  And I want to help, not hinder.

But let's face it.  As an industry we shouldn't be making the kinds of mistakes we made 15 or 20 years ago.  There must be better processes in place.  I hope we'll get to the point where we are all using vetted software frameworks so this kind of do-it-yourself brain surgery doesn't happen. 

Let's work together to build our systems to protect them from inside jobs.  If we all had this as a primary goal, the Google SSO fiasco could not have happened.  And as I'll make clear in an upcoming post, I'm feeling very strongly about this particular issue.


In response to my post earlier today on some OpenID providers who did not follow proper procedures to recover from a bug in Debian Linux, a reader wrote:


“You state that users who authenticated to the OpenID provider using an Information Card would not have their credentials stolen.   I assume that cracking the provider cert would allow the bad guys to tease a password out of a user, and that InformationCards require a more secure handshake than just establishing a secure channel with a cert. But it still seems that if the bad guys went to the effort of implementing the handshake, they could fool CardSpace as well. Why does that not expose the users credentials?


I'll try to be be more precise.  I should have stayed away from the word “credential”.  It confused the issue.


Why?  There are two different things involved here that people call “credentials”.  One is the “credential” used when a user authenticates to an OpenID provider.  To avoid the “credential” word, I'll call this a “primordial” claim: a password or a key that isn't based on anything else, the “first mover” in the authentication chain.


The other thing some call a “credential” is the payload produced by the OpenID provider and sent to the relying party.  At the minimum this payload asserts that a user has a given OpenID URL.  Using various extensions, it might say more – passing along the user's email address for instance.  So I'll call these “substantive” claims – claims that are issued by an identity provider and have content.  This differentiates them from primordial ones.


With this vocabulary I can express my thoughts more clearly.  By using a self-issued Information card like I employ with my OpenID provider –  which is based on strong public key cryptography – we make it impossible to steal the primordial claim using the attack described.  That is because the secret is never released, even to the legitimate provider.  A proof is calculated and sent – nothing more.


But let's be clear:  protecting the primordial claim this way doesn't prevent a rogue identity provider who has guessed the key of a legitimate provider – and poisoned DNS  – from tricking a relying party that depends on its substantitve claim.   Once it has the legitimate provider's key, it can “be” the legitimate provider.  The Debian Linux bug made it really easy to guess the legitimate provider's key.


Such a “lucky” rogue provider has “obtained” the legitimate provider's keys.  It can then “manufacture” substantive claims that the legitimate provider would normally only issue for the appropriate individual.  It's like the difference between stealing someone's credit card, and stealing a machine that can manufacture a duplicate of their credit card – and many others as well. 


So my point is that using Information Cards would have protected the primordial claim from the vulnerability described.  It would have prevented the user's keys from being stolen and reused.  But It would not have prevented the attack on the substantive claim even in the case of PKI, SAML or WS-Federation.  A weak key is a weak key.


The recently publicised wide-scale DNS-poisoning exploits do underline the fact that OpenID isn't currently appropriate for high value resources.  As I explained in more detail here back in February:


My view is simple.  OpenID is not a panacea.  Its unique power stems from the way it leverages DNS – but this same framework sets limits on its potential uses.  Above all, it is an important addition to the spectrum of technologies we call the Identity Metasystem, since it facilitates integration of the “long tail” of web sites into an emerging identity framework. 


Crypto flaw + bad practices = need for governance

Speaking of issues of governance, the Register just brought us this report on a recent “archeological investigation” by Ben Laurie and Richard Clayton that revealed how a Linux security flaw left a number of OpenID sites vulnerable to attack:

“Slipshod cryptographic housekeeping left some OpenID services far less secure than they ought to be.

“OpenID is a shared identity service that enables users to eliminate the need for punters to create separate IDs and logins for websites that support the service. A growing number of around 9,000 websites support the decentralised service, which offers a a URL-based system for single sign-on.

“Security researchers discovered the websites run by three OpenID providers – including Sun Microsystems – used SSL certificates with weak crypto keys. Instead of being generated from billions of possibilities, the keys came from a a set of just 32,768 options, due to a flaw in the random number generation routines used by Debian. The bug, which has been dormant on systems for 18 months, was discovered and corrected back in May.

“Keys generated by cryptographically flawed systems still needed to be replaced even after the software was upgraded. But recent research by Ben Laurie of Google reveals that 1.5 per cent of certificates he looked at contained weak keys. Three OpenID providers (, and were among the guilty parties.

“To exploit the vulnerability, malicious hackers would need to trick surfers into visiting a site impersonating a pukka OpenID provider. But faking digital certificate alone wouldn't do the trick without first misdirecting surfers to these bogus sites. Dan Kaminsky's recent discovery of a DNS cache poisoning flaw made it far more plausible to construct an attack that sent surfers the wrong away around the net's address lookup system, potentially to a bogus Open site posing as the real deal.

“The security flaw meant that even cautious users who check SSL certificates were at risk of handing over their OpenID credentials as part of a phishing attack. Such an attack would take a lot of effort to pull off and would only yield OpenID login credentials, which aren't especially useful for hackers and are difficult to monetise.

“Going after online banking credentials via a site that makes no attempt to offer up fake SSL certificates is a far more reliable moneyspinner, a factor that leads noted security researcher Richard Clayton to describe the attack as the “modern equivalent of a small earthquake in Chile”.

“Sun has responded to the issue by generating a new secure key, which reduces the scope for mischief but still leaves potential problems from the old key.

“More thoughts on the cryptographically interesting – though not especially life-threatening – flaw can be found in Clayton's posting on Cambridge University's Light the Blue Touchpaper blog here. A security advisory by Laurie and Clayton explaining the issue in greater depth can be found here.”

I tip my hat to Ben and Richard for doing what I think of as “system archeology” – looking into the systems people actually leave behind them, as opposed to the ones they think they have built.  We need a lot more of this.  In fact, we need to have full time archeologists rigorously exploring what is being deployed.

This said, I have to question the surprisingly opportunistic title of Richard's piece:  An insecurity in OpenID, not many dead.

Let's get real.  None of what went wrong here was in any way specific to OpenID.  The weakness would have struck any application that relied on crypto and was built on Debian Linux and operated in the same way.  This includes SSL, which for some reason doesn't get singled out.  And it applies to SAML, WS-Trust and PKI  (e.g. any of the security-based identity protocols).  Is OpenID a convenient straw man? 

In fact there were really two culprits.  First, the crypto flaw itself, a problem in Linux.  Second, the fact that although the flaw had been fixed, new keys and certificates had not been obtained by a number of the operators. 

So we are brought right back to the issue of governance, and in all fairness, Richard makes that point too.  Given the improper operating practices, and the fact that OpenID imples no contractual agreement, how would anyone have been able to sort out liability if the flaw had resulted in a serious breach?

Clearly, timely patching of one's operating system needs to be one of the host of requirements placed on any identity provider.  A system of governance would make this explicit, and provide a framework for assigning liability should the requirement not be met.  I really think we need to move forward on a broadly inclusive governance conversation.

And finally, just so no one thinks I have gone out of character, let's all note that any user who employed an Information Card to authenticate to the OpenID provider would NOT have had her credentials stolen, in spite of the vulnerability Ben and Richard have documented.