Born to be paranoid…

It's cool to see the posting by Greg Hughes at Lockergnome, who one can tell has paid his dues as a security professional, about my Channel 9 video. He actually seems to have gotten through all 55 minutes.

Over on Microsoft’s Channel 9, Scoble’s posted a new video of Kim Cameron, who has a weblog called the Identity Blog. He discusses identity and trust, and what it will take to build a single-experience trusted system for common identification. It’s an interesting conversation. I’ve read his weblog for a while now, so it’s good to see him speak about this.

“Identity is like the Hotel California of Technology – you can come but you can never leave. We have a lot of work to do.”

This is a topic that is near and dear to my professional heart. Identity protection and theft is something I deal with every day. It's complicated. It's not easy. It's a goose chase at times. There are almost no standards. But it's of great importance right now. The people I manage and work with are super-talented and are building a couple terrific pieces of security software right now, software intended to protect people who do critical personal transactions on the Internet, and to catch the bad guys that try to steal and use your personal information.

Where I work, we are charged with protecting the identities and assets of people who are doing critical financial transactions with their banks and credit unions. To us, this stuff matters – it matters a lot. And it should matter to anyone that's doing business on the ‘net and everyone who writes software used to do business on the ‘Net.

“It's impossible to be too paranoid about this… We have to be paranoid.”

The video is about 55 minutes, and it's worth the time for people who are concerned (or who should be concerned) about the topic. You'll need to get about two-thirds of the way through it til you get to Cameron's “Laws of Identity,” which are akin to pure gold in their simplicity. Go watch.

Isn't it great to think of people like Greg building systems like the one he describes in accordance with the Laws of Identity?

Published by

Kim Cameron

Work on identity.