Is it true Chris is doing stand-up now?

You can't get much funnier than this positing by Chris Ceppi at Arbitrage:

Doc Searls, Marc Canter, Drummond Reed, et al. are all a flittter about an Open Identity System or Internet Identity Infrastructure that has been worked out in insider conversations at PC Forum (where the elite meet to be discrete and then tell you about part of it on their blogs.) The universal identity metasytem solution sounds amazing and I can't wait to hear more – which means the hype has worked and this group has me right where they want me.

As we've discussed previously, the identity world already has it's unicycle, it's Cessna, and it's Space Shuttles – I'm just hoping the Universal Identity Infrastructure Metasystem doesn't turn out to be our Segway


Bonus excerpt from the hype hall of fame:

“Developed at a cost of more than $100 million… Doerr predicts…the Segway Co. will be the fastest outfit in history to reach $1 billion in sales.”

Chris drives one of those, right?

Published by

Kim Cameron

Work on identity.